Indianyouth Forum Rules

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by traveller, Aug 13, 2016.

  1. traveller

    traveller New Member is an India discussion forum for young indians dedicated to the promotion of India and patriotism. We embrace all fellow Indians spread over across the globe to discuss and share views on any topic associated with the interest of our nation. We are trying to provide a virtual platform to all concerned citizens who want to feel the pride of being an Indian and inspire all others to think and work for the progress of our nation. We firmly believe on the motto that India was our past, India is present and India is the future.And the forum is dedicated to promote such a nationalist feeling amongst all.

    1. Freedom of speech :

    We welcome all brothers, sisters and proud citizens of this country to join us in an effort to encourage freedom of speech by raising your voice. We are a free and a democratic country with billion people, with each having an opinion and a point to make. To exercise "Freedom of expression" is your fundamental right and hence forum gives you an opportunity to express yourself. However, in order to make sure that the right to expression is not misused has laid down certain rules and regulations which must be kept in mind for all members of the forum, violation of which can lead to penalty of even a ban or cancellation of membership from the forum. We are not a democratic forum and we are pro-Republic of India and anti-any "ism" opposed to the Republic of India.

    a) Fundamental Rights: We respect the freedom of speech of all our members. The precise reason for the existence of this website is to make sure you have a proper platform to share your views and ideas, so that you can post your comments and make yourself heard. While on one hand forum provides you with a platform to express, it also takes care that the fundamental right (freedom of speech) is not misused or abused. To ensure no such unwanted incidents happens we have some rules that must be followed.

    b) No Modification: All the Posts/threads/uploads/articles/images and members profile once created or made by the member/individual at including forums, directory, blogs and elsewhere become an important part of the forum website. The individual must be very careful before posting any sort content because, once posted, it cannot be edited/modified or deleted by the poster/individual. Any request, later, for editing/modifying or deleting the post/attachment or thread would not be entertained.

    c) No Personal Information: We at strictly follow the rule of not posting telephone numbers, email address, house address or any personal details pertaining to poster or of any other for that matter in the Blogs, forum, Guide or in any other publicly accessible place. Personal communications has to be done by email or personal messages through the system of forum.

    D) Please stick to the topic posted by the member when replying to forum posts

    2. No Derogatory Remarks

    Do not use the Forum to make personal allegation and cast aspersions on people. Remember you are here to debate on National Issues of India , so debate the issue not the motive. Do not use derogatory remarks on anybody (person or thing), like “he is a corrupt and inefficient” or “the policy decision is wrong”, while talking about a minister or officer or a policy try to be respectful in your comments. Debate hard but provide logic, don’t be presumptuous. Do no lose your cool if you disagree with a point posted by a co-member, show restrain and try to debate in a respectful manner citing proper info and data related to the debate. can’t be in any way used as a platform to demean the any officer, office, department, ministry or the government. Neither can it be used a medium to declare a crusade against them.

    3. Religion bashing or communal remarks are strictly prohibited

    a) Public Warnings: India is a diverse country with people belonging to different caste, creed or religion. So any post, if found, to be rude or biased or unjust and contains derogatory remarks about any particular religion, will be deleted and strict actions will be taken against the poster- he may well be banned if the content is really uncouth or obnoxious. For matters not so grave we give infractions, Public warnings and in cases may delete the Member under the charge of threatening the existence of the website and peace of the society. Once a member is banned of deleted from the forum no further request of bringing him back will be entertained or considered.

    b) Be Alerted: Members are also requested to bring to our notice any posts/comments posted in contravention of this rule as soon as possible. All members of the forum or the website must be treated with utmost respect. It must be remembered that all are Indians and hence should extend respectful and elderly behavior towards each member.

    c) Respect the Religion: We at believe in respecting all religion so each and every member at every given point of time must adhere to spreading harmony and peace within the set up of the community. Any attempt made to disrupt the peace of the community shall be dealt with severely.

    3. Advertising not allowed

    This platform is to promote freedom of speech so any things other than that will not be entertained. Any messages or posts that are primarily for advertising, publicity or advertising will be deleted and junk e-mails or other forms of e-mail marketing shall not be entertained either. If any link, consisting of info, data and facts of national interests, is forwarded we shall accept with open arms and even post in our website but links to other websites of forums will not be allowed. It must be remembered that this site is for national interest platform and not a market place for trading info and data of other websites. Do not use this website for lobby purposed either.

    Avoid spamming : do not double post the same info or message in multiple forums/community. And while commenting please give an elaborate reply and not a one line reply. Make some effort and write a substantive piece.You are not allowed to use videos as a Promotion tool.

    4. Flaming

    This IndianYouth Forum is for encouraging and promoting patriotism and the right to speech and expression. But the poster should be careful and aware of the rules set out The posts and comments should not contain religious or racial overtones, which have the capacity to disrupt peace and harmony of the community and threatens the existence of the website itself. All member posting comments should adhere to the rules of (1&2) listed above in order to maintain a sense of sanity and peace in the discussions.

    No Inflammatory Remarks: Do not post inflammatory remarks about a different country/ people/leader in order to defame him directly. Always how restrain and act sensibly. Avoid rudeness and don't post meaningless threads with sole agenda of creating a dispute among communities. Debate respectfully and stick to the topic. Don’t make allegations or insinuations or cast aspersions against any country, religions, community or any individual. Maintaining peace and decorum during the debate is important.


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