Indian Women Are Perfect!

Discussion in 'Women' started by TheNRI, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. TheNRI

    TheNRI New Member

    I am a perfect mother, a perfect wife, a perfect daughter. How do I know this? Because I’m Indian.

  2. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    Calm, serene, composed

    The Indian women are multifaceted. They can do the work of the home and also in the corporate offices. These may be normal trait of the women but still there is something more in the women of India. The Indian women is calm, serene, composed but if required she can go against every obstacles. The women power is unbelievable. They are many women who are Multi talented and contributed a lot for the development of their family and also for the nation.
  3. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    Indian women are perfect: A perfect saying

    This is really true that Indian women are perfect. By perfect, we can simply say that they are all-rounders. Every major area is it politics, science, technology, service sector, agriculture sector, household or any other stream, we can find India women topping every list.

    No matter whether it is taking care of a household or working professionally, Indian women have proved out to be the best workers ever. They are perfect wives, obedient daughters and caring mothers. What else does anyone need? :confused:
  4. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    i completely second the above mentioned comment!!
    it is very important for women to be all rounders, and indian women fit the bill n the best possible manner.
    i've hardly heard of an english lady who can carry out all domestic, personal and professional tasks with as much efficiency as indian women do, not to forget the fact that english people are not accustomed to domestic maids like we indians are. still, we know how to manage multitasking without letting our 2 responsibilities suffer because of each other.
    that's the beauty of indian heritage, tradition and culture :)
  5. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    indian women are perfect

    Indian women are perfect in almost all the ways. They make good housewives were no other women of any country can be compared. Indian women are good mothers indeed. They are also coming up in the working section whilst looking after their families and children. They can face almost all the hassles and still stand strong with their determination.

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