Indian Role in Afganistan

Discussion in 'Foreign Relations' started by Desi, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. Desi

    Desi New Member

    The India's role in Afghanistan is akin to glass half-filed with water. This example has been used as the same glass is defined in different manners. Indian role in Afghanistan is surely encountering the same reality. While the Indian government terms that its one and only intention is the restoration of stability in this war tattered country, Pakistani establishment has long been maintaining that India’s only intention is to get hold of this region fully. Hence, confusion persists and this is more at the moment since even after more than three decades of Soviet-led invasion, Afghanistan is equally unstable, unpredictable and also one of the most dangerous regions in the globe.

    Whatever it is, if the popular beliefs of people in Afghanistan are taken into account, the Indian role in the country has been humanitarian altogether. India has remained involved with a number of projects that may help Afghanistan and its posterity to reinstate faster. Well, there is no doubt that the major presence of the United States of America in the same region has played a great role to shape Indian presence. But there have been several differences between these two countries too.

    What has been the role of Pakistan in Afghanistan then? If truth be told, it has been cryptic. But at the moment it is dealing with the development being influenced by a different frame of mind. Pakistan, in a few words, is looking to play a larger role in Afghanistan and put a stop to India’s growing influence in the war tattered country the instant foreign troops led by America chicken out. It is getting evident that coming days are going to be more perilous. There is a worldwide recognition already that overall security in Afghanistan is at its worst ever since 2001 and American withdrawal will fuel disturbance only.

    How India will deal with this new and emerging situation remains to be seen.

    What's Your Opinion ? should India extend its role in Afghanistan ?

  2. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    indian role in afghanistan

    india has played a major role in helping and aiding Afghanistan after it has been terror struck. The Indian army has established its base to help the people of Afghanistan to rehabilitate in their region. Many basic amenities are also being given to the poor people in Afghanistan so as to help them sustain their livings. But Pakistan has been criticizing india of its help extended to Afghanistan.
  3. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    india and afghanistan have good relations as indian army has helped afghanistani people to rehabilitate and start new life. people over there have also acknowledged well for the help lent by india. i think india should extend such help to needy nations and mark its presence. though there are some issues with regard to pakistan and america, india should play its role calmly.
  4. atulsabnis

    atulsabnis New Member

    India cannot neglect Afghanistan, we share good relations with them & a Indian presence in Afghanistan, will also keep the Pakistan army diverted from the indian border.
  5. R2India

    R2India New Member

    india has played a good supportive role in mending afghanistans downfallen condition. the indian troops have helped afghanistanis to rehabilitate and come up from the state of torment. but pakistan has always criticized india help lent to the afghans. we should be proud of what we have done by lending a helping hand and acted responsible globally.
  6. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    India performed its duty and extended its help in rehabilitation of Afghanistan and we should be proud of it. Many countries did come to rescue Afghanistan and one among them was our country, but we were great at Afghanistan because though Pakistan was against our presence in afghan region we continued to extend our help.
  7. culture

    culture New Member

    Afghanistan has witnessed quite a harsh past and India has played a crucial role in supporting the nation with the after math and rehabilitation program. India should continue to extend its helping hand to other nations because this would improve international reputation of India. This would also build a good brotherhood amongst the countries in the world.

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