Indian Media is misusing its freedom

Discussion in 'News & Media' started by Yuva, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. Yuva

    Yuva New Member

    A few recent events (if truth be told, enough to undermine the esteem of any media across the globe) in the relevant scenario has raised the question whether the Indian media is solely engaged in abusing its freedom on the whole. The question may appear to any sane person as strange since the controversies regarding the freedom enjoyed by the Indian media (from the heyday of British Empire) has been continuing devoid of a single interruption. The detractors of this theory would always state that there is hardly any freedom in India. And as per them, even if there is any, it is subservient to the Indian interest for ever and a day – the freedom can be encroached at any time on any ground, living or dead.

    Are all these justifications acceptable? Once again, it can be said that controversies do prevail. But it must also be stated that the character of the Indian press and media, considered as a cannon against the saga of persecution or vitriolic stances of British imperialism and also the best spokesperson of Indian aspirations and desire to get free, has changed to a large extent. These days, whether it’s print or audio-visual or even online, each and every sort of journalism and media in India is run by the desires of corporate honchos and hence, there can be hardly anything nationalist. Indian media is getting more internationalized!

    Another issue has cropped up – Indian media is no longer eager to retain its unbiased and impartial attitude and on the contrary, it is more eager to placate potent bosses, whatever may be their hidden intents. It has to be accepted that a few of the Indian media have misused their freedom under the pretext of investigative journalism and striving to frame crooked politicians by means of sting operations. Such incidents (too numerous to be counted) are occurring round the clock and all these prove that Indian media has lots its essence.

  2. muralim

    muralim New Member

    indian media

    you are 100% right. So many people have the same opinion. Particularly electronic media always focusing on sensational news. Now a days media is not working to give the news , they are working hard to create the news.
  3. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    i second your opinions on this issue! its been around 10 years now that after privatization of media, the facet of news bulletin has changed completely. i miss those 8 PM news bulletin on doordarshan years back, which we found dull ad monotonous that time. now i feel, it wasnt at least trying to poke general public to react abruptly, nor did they ever claim of seeing an image of God in the sky.
    media has sensationalized certain critical issues to an extent that it only did harm to the nation.
    Commonwealth- New Delhi is the biggest example, as we Indians had no idea about the developments being made, we only heard about the pitfalls and drawbacks till the opening ceremony!
  4. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    That’s right that media today is not working to bring out the truth rather it is working on creating of news. Media today has become more a source of business than working for the betterment of nation and the common man. They are applying all strategies to get the TRP and eyeballs, rather than favoring the real news and helping over peoples burning issues. They are not only misusing their freedom, but also the power of their profession.
  5. Sunirmal Ray

    Sunirmal Ray New Member

    Indian media is found most market oriented, yet to be matured, usually perform es with some vested agenda. Style of delivery & presentation of news and its elaboration sometimes tent amounts to indirect direction to viewers towards some political & personal target, speaks little about system fault and way of correction ,instead of interested to deliver spicy negative short live issues which viewers ultimately forgets in course of time.

    Journalist are very rear found anchoring issues with open mind and long term vision. For Example, very recently, too much negative propaganda made on Delhi CWG through which actual issue of wrong handling of money by OC CWG subsides, when all of a sudden they found everything is praiseworthy after opening ceremony celebration. Media should not underestimate viewers capacity to understand what is right and what is wrong. Only Doordarshan is still maintaing some norms and code of conduct.

    Immediate burning issues are food-price rise, GDP growth, how much realistic as claimed by government in line with per capital income and change of life style of common people, their purchasing power,demand & supply. There should have been some structured positive debate by nonpolitical persons.

    But media always highlights political personalities of different parties who are more interested to speak by bit ting their own drum then listen others & some particular corporate business personality for their own business interest has very little effects on common man issues like education, health,sanitation,environment, population management,water management,rural development,urban development, power, irrigation, R&D, transparency , accountability , e-governance and long term planning etc.

    If India to become developed and comes out of her developing (face saving word) stature, performing CWG at the cost of 70 thousand cores at the cost tax payers money at capital city , and FDI data mostly in stock exchange, may give some complacent to middle class elite but shall not hold much water for long time, if huge poverty stricken rural population is not managed with human face with a time bound target and human right is not properly honored.

    Media may hold some motivation program which may help nation to participate in development awareness program, in whatever small capacity , as one belong.But unfortunately there will be less TRP for TV channels for such program, so it is better for them to make more & more reality show, more SMS, more income for mobile phone companies, more bollywood entertainment program, more advertisement, and ultimately public shall be boozed with song dance,fashion show. Most eassy and shortcut way of flourishing market economy as such.

    Sunirmal Ray
  6. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    media is given right to do research to any extent and show the same to the public, provided it is fair and truth. but media these days have turned into kind of manipulative and the news given by it cannot be trusted and relied upon. this is happening because some of the media is compromised by the corrupt and some do it for their own TRPs
  7. Leader

    Leader New Member

    I think Indian Media misuse their power as we can take example of the Mumbai attack 26/11 in that case media was showing each and every clip live which was really wrong because of which even terrorist were aware about what Indian Police and Army is doing.
  8. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    I completely agree with you. Indian media is using its power for wrong purposes and just for their own benefits. They are crossing the limits and the restrictions posed on them. In mumbai attack the biggest mistake that Indian media did it to telecast all the activity of the police on the television that paved way to the terrorists and guided them about the positions of the police. Which is completely wrong.
  9. R2India

    R2India New Member

    i agree.. these media people are just behind just misuse their freedom and show whatever they like just for monetary gains and to gain fame. indian police is also lame and careless that they allow such media people in to the territory to broadcast whatever is going on. it is really ridiculous on part of indian media and also the police officials.
  10. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    At some instances, yes. Media of India sometimes misuse their freedom for personal gains. They manipulate the factuality to sound more catchy and strong. All this is done to gain attention of viewers and increase their TRP ratings. I think Indian media should realize their responsibilities and try sticking to realities.
  11. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    There are some restrictions put on the news channels and the media persons but they all are showing their irresponsibility by telecasting that they should not and are not allowed to. Government has given many freedom to indian media but what they are doing with that freedom? Nothing, they simply misusing it. We can see the Mumbai attack example and other examples as well.
  12. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Indian Media is an instrument of the fundamental right "Freedom of speech and expression" guaranteed by the Constitution of India. However, it has been witnessed that Media is misusing the power given to them. Indian Media has become biased and provides news and information in favor of the political parties they support. They manipulate news and create news which are not always true or are partially true with the aim to attain high TRP ratings. Indian Media should realize their actually duty and provide unbiased and real news and information.
  13. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Responsibility comes with freedom. The Freedom of Press is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution of India and Indian Media seems to be enjoying this freedom and is undoubtedly booming today. However, it has been witnessed that Indian Media is misusing the freedom conferred to them by the Constitution. They have forgotten their responsibility towards the society and has become more of a money making business than becoming the voice of the masses.
  14. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    I completely agree with you that with freedom comes responsibility and India media has forgotten their responsibility towards the society. Media is a mirror of the society and they are given freedom to show the reality. However, due to the lack of responsibility and corruption, Indian Media is misusing their freedom and is depicting things from a different perspective which is not real.

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