Indian economy Facing Economic challenges

Discussion in 'Economy & Infrastructure' started by Rashi, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. Rashi

    Rashi New Member

    India was always known as a country with the strong base in agriculture and a weak base in industrialization. The agricultural country India was backward in almost all fields. The people here were uneducated and mostly dealt with the farms and the personal life.The country's growth and the Indian economic progress were the last things people cared for. The employment opportunities were close to nil because the industries and the companies were not here. People tried at being self sufficient and hence most of the time was dedicated to farming and agriculture. Not just before independence but even after independence things didn’t change much and India focused on the agriculture mostly.

    This was because they considered Agriculture to be the strong point and people wanted to work where they were the best ones. This was India. India Today has progressed so much and the Economic challenges it has faced are all just commendable. India had practically nothing when the British East India Company left us and today we Indians are competing with the world Super powers. We took time no doubt but the advancements and the things we have achieved with all the issues and the challenges around are worth a mention.

    Indian economy faced a lot of Economic challenges because the Britishers didn’t leave us anything when they went back. Starting from the scratch was indeed a challenge and we Indians did it. India still facing the Economic challenges but if we could do then we can still do. We have accepted all the challenge well and today we are fighting and working hard for the development of the economy. The Indian economy is Growing Faster no doubt but we have faced many challenges in the course of time. These challenges are many and the challenges have seen new dimension with time. The Indian economy is still growing and the challenges don’t seem much today.

  2. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    once upon a time we did face challenges as our economy was almost nothing when we got our independence. but now our economy is pretty much stable after hard efforts we put in. we are at the fast phase of growth in economy and we need a stable and reliable economy which does not face peril during hard times.
  3. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Absolutely but how? We need a reliable economy but how? Still there are many problems that indian economy is facing. We have improved a bit since independence but still there is a long way to go. people are still looking for different and faster ways to get their work done in remote areas as the latest technology is still out of their reach due to this they are facing lots of problem.

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