Indian Economic Growth

Discussion in 'Economy & Infrastructure' started by Junoon, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. Junoon

    Junoon New Member

    The Indian economy ranks third in the list of countries all over the world based on the power of purchasing. It has been forecast by the global bank of investment, Goldman Sachs that by 2035 India will become one of the greatest economies of the world ranking only third after United States of America and China.

    To reach the present status of growth the Indian economy had to cross a number of hurdles. In recent times, the finance minister has projected a growth rate of 9 %, however, he has also mentioned a number of challenges that the Economy of India will face in order to secure a top position among the leading economies.

    The first and foremost factor that poses a threat to the Economic development of the India is its ever-increasing population. The rate of growth of a country is highly dependent on the population and the well-being of the people. Due to increased population, the infrastructure necessary for growth cannot be installed as a result the economy fails to prosper. Another factor that is the biggest hindrance of growth is poverty in India. India is a nation where more than 30 percentage of the population resides below the poverty line. As such, the country cannot utilize the human capitals that are unskilled due to lack of education. With poverty a related factor, which is illiteracy comes to the forefront and this is a major cause of the backwardness of any nation.

    Unemployment is one of the primary factors that impede development. As the educated Indian youth are not able to land a job, the income of the nation does not increase. More unemployment implies that production is not increasing and as production does not rise, the GDP of India fails to increase. Finally, the gap between the pace of rural development and urban development results in slower growth of the nation as a whole.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2016

  2. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    yes it is true that india is leading at position 3# in the worlds greatest purchasing power and worlds emerging economies. the economists of india should device proper strategies and tactics so as to sustain the growth in future also. however the growth is not even amongst all the sections of society. this has to be managed by the government.
  3. mayank938

    mayank938 New Member

    India would be third largest economy by 2025

    Dear friends,

    Currently GDP of India is 1.3 trillon dollars & is expected to grow ar 9% per annum over the next 10 years. PWC says that India would ovrcome US in 2025 & become the world second largest economy

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  4. R2India

    R2India New Member

    indian economy is one of the strongest and is witnessing a robust growth in many sectors. economists believe india is going to be on the top in few years. the growth rate of economy is also great. besides all this india is becoming a hub for the foreign companies because of its cheaper and reliable resources and this adding something extra to the indian economy.
  5. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Consumption is indeed the main growth driver because india is predominately a local demand driven industry. more than fifty percent of the present population get the status of the middle class by 2016. The high salary segment could be more than thrice the present time income. shares of low salary households could bisect to seven percent from the present sixteen percent. hence, the development this time will be an urban led story with an enhanced income levels.
  6. National

    National New Member

    indian economy seems to be growing at a fast pace globally. the domestic markets are growing slowly but not at adequate pace to match the consumption pattern. this is causing more demand than domestic supply which inturn is leading to more purchase power to satisfy domestic needs. we should first fulfill our domestic needs to rule the global economy.
  7. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    The investment opportunity is representative of the increasing economy as well as the flourishing business openings in India. The rising sales being high lighted by the house companies are thoughtful of the potential of the investment openings. Investment climates in India are very much relied on the economic growth and consumer growth in India that boost on the basis of the above mentioned. The economic growth in India is determined to country’s foreign exchange reserve that has crossed the $ 300 billion score for the 1st time since 2008 august. The data itself represents the real investment climate as well as the economic development.
  8. priyanka.sinha

    priyanka.sinha New Member

    Economic growth in india

    Economic Growth Rate can be defined as the growth in the economy from one point of time to the other in terms of percentage. This calculation helps to keep track about the calculations and also the growth of the country. The Economic Growth Rate is very useful to know if the country is progressing and how much it has grown in terms of the economy. The Economic Growth Rate is calculated annually to see how much the country has progressed in the year. This is then compared to the other calculations of the Economic Growth Rate. The Economic Growth Rate can be in many different spheres. It can be calculated in the agricultural and the financial sectors. The Economic Growth Rate shows that if the country is progressing or if its stagnant that year.

    Chances of growth are more each year because of the developments in each sector each year. This positive growth of the country’s economy contributes to the Economic Growth Rate. The more growth seen in the economy means the more rich the country is. A country’s progress and the economic abundance can all be determined with the Economic Growth Rate calculations. The rates at which the unemployed in a country gets jobs and the amount of revenues generated all contribute to the Economic Growth Rate. This is the overall growth of the company. New business ventures and the new deals sanctioned are all calculated as the countries growth factors and hence are calculated. This shows how much the country has progressed. In India the Economic Growth Rate has been increasing because India is developing in the true sense. This growth plays a major role in the advancements related to the country. The more the rate of economic growth is the more rich the country is.
  9. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    We have been talking about economic growth each time but how much have we contributed? If we have contributed what benefits are we getting? Indian people's standard of living is same as it was 10 years back. Changes in economy should also enhance the living standard of the people. Indian economic growth might have increased but the people are still striving for food!
  10. Economist

    Economist New Member

    Indian economic growth though have turned out to be quite good in several years but it has not yet become the strong economy in comparison to other countries. India still falls under the category of developing nation and people still die out of hunger and diseases. proper work or employment is not given to the poor people to stop beggary and this will continue until the main problem of india which is yes, of course corruption cannot be removed.
  11. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    The growth in Indian economy seems to be steady for a long period of time which hints us that India would soon become an economic superpower. The Indian Economy could further do well if the domestic industries and markets do well over the time making India self sufficient. Nevertheless India has a bright future as even various international economists see India a potential market place to initiate new business.
  12. Economist

    Economist New Member

    Indian economic growth mainly depends up on the agriculture of the country as the companies which are opened in india are usually and excessively flooded with MNC's which are the international companies getting deep rooted in our land. So the indian economy does not get much remuneration or revenue from these companies but yes, from the agriculture.
  13. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    Indian economy hurt from March to June. The inflation is consistently increasing due to US and UK crises and other national problems. So, RBI has increased rates 10 times and is likely to increase further on July 26th discussion which will hurt the economic growth in return. The indian economic growth is no doubt is less and people are inclined towards more and more international brands. This is also one of the reasons for the less economic growth.
  14. Economist

    Economist New Member

    The Economy of India is the tenth largest economy in the world with the country's per capita GDP being $3.339(IMF) in 2010.Agriculture is the largest source of GDP in India and is the source of income of almost 70% of the Indian population. Industry and services account for nearly 28% of GDP. The Banking sector, largely public based also accounts for a large share to Indian GDP. Although India's GDP has shown quite a commendable growth in the last few years yet we find that the country is paralysed by food inflation,oil hikes and rural poverty. The rationale for the same may be the fact that India is still a growing nation,which is largely inflicted by corruption.
  15. culture

    culture New Member

    Indian economic growth is steady and moving fast with great speed. It is the 6th fastest growing economies in the world. The conditions could be further improved if the major contributor that is Agriculture is refurbished with improved technologies and machinery to improve the productivity. According to the statistics India could have 60% larger economy than what US has now if it continues to grow at the same pace.
  16. youthens

    youthens New Member

    Indian economy is growing and developing and has emerged as an important economy in the World. Foreign countries are now investing in India and the nation have become a major outsourcing hub of the foreign nations for having skilled and professional worker. The IT sector and the telecom sector has grown quite rapidly in the recent times contributing to the growth of Indian economy and since it is a developing nation, there are several problems that exist here but it can be removed only by improving the economic policies of the nation.
  17. Abhijit Padihari

    Abhijit Padihari New Member

    Indian economy is growing by no means but Indians are not growing cause the poverty ratio of india is very high with respect to all other countries. Economy should also be discussed keeping with respect to the per capita income of a single indian family as in India the rich is becoming richer and poor go poorer. So, if India covers all dis fatal aspects then i will see India a happy and prosperous economic country of the world.
  18. MR.SINGH

    MR.SINGH New Member

    No this is incorrect.! The basis for determining the Indian Economy is absurd! The reality is poles apart from what it seems to be.Majority of India is dependent on Foreign Investments. The shoots of the plant of Indian Economy is no doubt growing but its roots are subverting which cannot be seen !
  19. MR.SINGH

    MR.SINGH New Member

    No this is incorrect.! The basis for determining the Indian Economy is absurd! The reality is poles apart from what it seems to be.Majority of India is dependent on Foreign Investments. The shoots of the plant of Indian Economy is no doubt growing but its roots are subverting which cannot be seen !
  20. sakshi sharma

    sakshi sharma New Member

    Due to recessionary pressures, the Euro zone crisis, the Arab spring outside India, and inflationary pressures in India, the overall growth in GDP as forecasted, grew at a mere 5.0 percent in 2012-13. The saving grace was the services sector which showed a growth of 6.6 percent and its share in the GDP was 56.5 percent. WPI inflation as of March 2013 declined to 6.6 percent. Despite several bills on FDI passed, the cash strapped world didn’t spend as much as they could. The economy is expected to grow between 6.1 and 6.7 percent in the next fiscal. The other good news is that ISRO launched its heaviest satellite ever, the 230 tonne PSLV C9 setting a record in space technology. The IT BPO sector too saw record breaking business of US$ 100 billion. These make India poised for rapid growth in the technological frontiers, and if utilized correctly, could make India really proud!

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