Indian Democracy

Discussion in 'India' started by Young, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. Young

    Young Peace is the Mission

    We can’t think of success in democracy unless all people are educated. Democracy is by the people, of the people, for the people. But only a democracy which is by the educated people for the educated people and of the educated people can be successful. Otherwise democracy may be transformed into an oligarchy or aristocracy. Education for all is the need of the day in India.

    Yet, India is the largest democracy in the world. No country in the world is in a position to run a democratic government with such a huge population. Just imagine, as if the whole Europe is a single country. Can they make a single democracy possible? Most probably they won’t. And here in India we have made it possible though we have more population than the whole Europe. Even after having so many differences, we are proud to be the largest democracy in the world. The chief of the political party in power is a Christian. The president is a woman. We also had a Muslim president in the last term. The Prime Minister of our country is Sikh. I think no where in the world we will find a democracy led by people with such diversity. Is there any way to make Indian democracy more effective so that we can feel more and more proud?

  2. varundiloria

    varundiloria New Member

    future of INDIA

    FUTURE of INDIA shall be bright.
    I am ready to do.
    Are you ready ?
  3. pankajIndian

    pankajIndian New Member

    100% literacy is the key to successful democracy

    Democracy can only be totally successful when all the people are educated. We must have to educate all the people before we think of a more successful democracy in India. Uneducated people can hardly choose good leaders.
  4. just_another_indian

    just_another_indian New Member

    Its quite true that india is the largest successfully running democracy and we all must be very proud of it.
    But there are certainly flaws in our democratic process where votebank politics became the order of the day. As long as corrupt people like Shibu Soren, Madhu Koda are in power, democracy cannot be a true success.
    Though much of the populist politics can be curbed by educating people, there is a great need for the election commission not to let people with criminal records stand for elections.
    We must change the notion of "dirty politics" and encourage more number of young people to become a part of indian polity.
  5. multitalentedindian

    multitalentedindian New Member

    Indan democracy is puppet in the hands of few corrupted politicians.. Mayawati is the live example and the recent black spot on the Indian Democracy. She has used her powers and rights only in the wasting money and establishing BR Ambedkar's statue all around..
  6. Travelindia

    Travelindia New Member

    India Democracy

    Democracy of the country empowers the people of its nation to choose their leaders and also fight back, if things are not going in the benefit of the country and its people. However, Indians are enjoying this power, but majority of them are not educated enough to take decision regarding many of the country's issues. Secondly many of them are not competent enough to lead the people. Therefore the democracy is making people more corrupt and selfish. Therefore Indian democracy is at stake and we should take measures to protect its real value.
  7. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    though we can be proud of our democracy which the largest in the world, we do not have efficient system working in it. many of the democrats and politicians are not upto the mark and politics is mostly corrupted. even the judicial system is not efficient. cases are left pending for years together. all these issues need to be addressed and corrected to make indian democracy the best.
  8. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    I guess time has come now to fight against corruption and avail all the possible advantages of Indian democracy. Let us not stop the fight against corruption and struggle until death like Anna Hazare and prove that we all do think about our nation. Do not stop and fire complaint when you see anyone asking bribe or see any corruption around you..
  9. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Indian democracy does not need any change but yet there are some bills and laws that need amendments. Our constitution is considered as the best Constitution around the world but the main issue that pops up is not with the Constitution or democracy, but it is concerned with the corruption. Until and unless these corrupted politicians are sent to jail nothing can be done, no matter we are living in a so called democratic country.
  10. R2India

    R2India New Member

    indian democracy is one of the largest in the world. india is a young budding country without much experience compared to countries like united states. though we have the largest constitution written, there needs to be amendments in existing constitution for complete functionality. but india does have a very great future ahead.
  11. National

    National New Member

    in my view indian democracy is outstanding which welcomes all sorts of comments and compliments from all cadres of people in our country. media also plays effective role in connecting the government and people. though there are some flaws in the democracy, which every other democracy has, we are on our way to correct them and try to come out as the best in the world
  12. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Democracy is very important for anyone. Indian democracy provides freedom to speech and expression and several other basic rights of the individual which is very important for the growth of the people and the country as a whole. Democracy means freedom in all the terms for the complete growth of the person. indian democracy has all these things
  13. Leader

    Leader New Member

    The consequence of the latest parliament elections have made individuals euphoric and jubilant as these has made the democratic and secular India declare itself in no specific terms. Extremists’ forces of fundamentals have been virtually found its way as well as in complete disarray. Numerous analysts have told that it’s the starting of the end for those communal and parochial elements. Despite the last minutes tussles for coping the strength among the constituent of the United Progressive Alliance, people must concede which the democracy has now taken roots in the nation. The democracy possibly have not been as vibrant as its claimed by few still it has been consistently without any main interruption apart from a brief set-back at the time of indira Gandhi’s emergency.

    Democracy has taken a new shape altogether nowadays and people are becoming more and more aware about their rights and fighting for it!
  14. Economist

    Economist New Member

    Indian democracy is the finest democracy around the world. This democracy provides many benefits to people and preserve their rights at its best. People usually take advantage of Indian democracy and they behave in an odd way. indian democracy should be respected and must not be taken for granted. People should know the importance of living in a democratic country.
  15. bharat

    bharat New Member

    India is one of the largest democracy, having the longest written Constitution in the World. The basic essence of democracy is having is government which is "for the people, of the people and by the people". However, it is sad that the basic essence of democracy in India is lost somewhere in the books. The Government machinaries, the judiciary, the executive do not function properly to make India a powerful and developed nation. Corruption today has over powered every aspect and love for power and money has left democracy to be just a word. Proper amendment of the Constitution can bring some changes to the existing so-called democracy.
  16. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Democracy is a form of government in which is governed by people's representatives who are elected by them. It is a government of the people, for the people and by the people. In this system of government, the citizens are considered as supreme and sovereign. Freedom of choice is the basis of democracy. India is the World's largest democracy. However, democracy seems to be losing its essence in India. The freedom that has been conferred are being misused today, especially by the political parties.
  17. youthens

    youthens New Member

    Many countries in the world today follow the democratic form of government. Democracy depends on some conditions (i) co-existence of ideas and of parties; (ii) the right to free discussion; (iii) universal adult suffrage; and (iv) periodic elections. India is also a democratic nation and the World's largest democracy and fulfills all the conditions on which democracy depends.

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