Indian Culture is Great , rich and Diverse

Discussion in 'Culture' started by priyanka.sinha, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. priyanka.sinha

    priyanka.sinha New Member

    Culture is a major factor in determining the diversities of a population. Starting from the Indus Valley Civilization to the present age Indian culture has undergone gradual changes. Indian culture is known all over the world for its rich heritage and huge tradition. Indian culture has a lot of diversities. It is a large country extending over large areas of land. It covers areas of mountains, plateaus, valleys, snow covered peaks, river plains and deserts and forests. India is the seventh largest country in the world geographically and has the second largest population after china. With a population over a 100 billion people a country is bound to have diversities. There are people of various religion, caste and tribes all over India. There are people from different areas following different lifestyles.

    The food habits and the clothing habits of the people of one region differ from that of another region. India is a secular and democratic country where people are allowed to follow any religion that they wish to. India is one of the largest democratic nations in the world today. The diversities of Indian culture make it unique in its own way. It is a male dominated society but women are also given preferences. Though the caste system is still prevailing in India the lower castes are given separate representation and separate preferences.

    Though there are such diversities all Indians are united under a common religion called “CRICKET”. Indian people are very sentimental and are very religious and emotional. Indians are great believers of god and thus they never leave home without offering prayers to the almighty. These factors make Indian culture great, rich and diverse. Though it has the highest diversities it is unique due to its rich heritage.

  2. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    India is known mainly for the rich culture and the diversity in unity. The indian culture is as old as human civilization and many other cultures around the world have got something or the other from the indian culture. I am simply proud to have got birth in such a beautiful country where there is everything different and you will find varieties in everything form culture to tradition and food to places to visit.
  3. Alok_Mishra

    Alok_Mishra New Member

    But having these vivid forms of manythings... Yet our country is UNITED.. A confidiation of manythings! India is great!
  4. Economist

    Economist New Member

    Indian culture is great and it is diverse in nature. The cultural value that is incited inside the indians is not at all easy to remove as it has been built from inside and since birth. Indian cultural values are admired and recognized by the people all around the world. It has rich heritage culture and respect is the another form of the indian culture. It has been given in the cultural books of india that we greet everyone by bowing our heads and respect everyone from old to children. these things are not taught to indians as it is inbuilt in every indian.
  5. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    The present Indian Culture has changed a lot. It is still diverse and wide but things have changed a lot. The present Indian culture is mostly west driven in the Urban areas while the rural areas are still quite rooted. The cultural boundaries in the high tech age are changing as fast as techonology due to international exposure of the youth through the Internet.
  6. culture

    culture New Member

    There are many additions and deletions in the Indian culture if we look from the past. Our culture is ancient with old age practices, but since we have advanced to this modern era, people have given up certain practices such as following few blind beliefs and rituals. There has been addition of the western culture and a blend of western and Indian culture is what prevails today.
  7. Gas

    Gas New Member

    India is known is as Nation of "unity in diversity." India has a diverse culture. Every state has its own culture and every culture is diverse. The culture within the sate also differs. Every cluture has its own taste and is rich in itself. Inspite of the several diverse culture yet we can proudly say the we are united and belong to one Nation- India.
  8. Kishore Kumar

    Kishore Kumar New Member

    There is little agreement in the world as to the exact meaning of "culture". There is unity, yes, but different traditions in different parts of the country. The question is, where is India headed in this modern world? I agree that people are lucky to have been born in this country, but they should also realize the spiritual heritage that it is their duty to bring to the world. In this respect, I look to great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Jiddu Krishnamurti.
  9. niteshskumar143

    niteshskumar143 New Member

    Welcome to this forum site.
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  10. bharat

    bharat New Member

    India is well-known for its rich and diverse culture. The culture of each Indian state is different from one a another but we are all unite as Indians. However, The young Indians are getting more inclined to the western culture but the rich cultural and traditional values are still incarcerated in the hearts of every Indian.
  11. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Indian culture is rich and diverse and therefore distinctive in its very own way. The manners, way of communicating with one another, etc of people of India are one of the significant characteristic of our culture. Although we have accepted modern way of living, enhanced our lifestyle, our values and beliefs still continues to be the same. The age old rich culture and traditional values are deep rooted in the hearts of every Indian despite of all modernization.
  12. seema

    seema New Member

    Indian culture is the oldest culture that dates back to 5000years. It is the richest culture that incorporates moral values. The values of Indian culture has spread all over the World and it has been observed that people from the West has embraced many elements of Indian culture. India has diverse culture as people from different region and state has their own respective culture and tradition and this attracts people more towards Indian culture. India thus has the greatest, richest and diverse culture.
  13. youthens

    youthens New Member

    The culture of India is great, rich and diverse. We can vouch for it as these are well documented in our history, when the developed countries of the times showed loads of interest in our culture. People from far off lands used to come to India and learn about our diverse culture. They traveled the entire nation in search for our diverse culture and they got enchanted by it. Different areas of the nation had different cultures since time immemorial, and everybody who traveled in search for the diverse aspects of our culture, got influenced by it. It has been rich as well in terms of the huge treasures of our past.

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