Indian cinema and its impact on Society

Discussion in 'Culture' started by gentleman, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. gentleman

    gentleman New Member

    There have been several definitions of cinema till date. While to some schools of thought it happens to be the greatest medium of entertainment, others do opine that it is a medium that disseminates moving pictures. It would have been better (perhaps) if all had ended here. There is another definition of cinema – it is a medium that does reflect the true mood of the society and also the changing reality. In accordance with several pundits, the Indian cinema does fit in the last definition and in the best manner. Do you agree with the same assertion? Without a doubt Indian cinema has played a major role hitherto and through decades it has also been the most appreciated medium of entertainment.

    Now the question remains whether it has been the medium of entrainment only or of something else. Surely you’re interested to know the definition of this word – else. If truth be told, the Indian cinema has changed through times and has always tried to cope with the changing reality. If we take the mainstream cinema or simply Bollywood into consideration, it will be found that lots of changes have occurred. Gone are the days of 50s (termed as the Golden Age of Hindi Cinema) when a good number of classics like Madhumati, Sujata, Do Aankhen Bara Haat and lots of others did dominate.

    It was followed by the swinging 60s and radical 70s that were found to exert considerable impacts on the Indian society. Popular perception did change and the unrestrained Indian youth started to find its own replica in the celluloid through the angry heroes. The subsequent decades did not bring any change even if violence and vulgarity became a part and parcel of the Indian cinema and the same is in full vigor at the moment. Perhaps the Indian cinema has been gratifying the changing reality!

    Even if the regional cinema industry has struck back exceptionally well, they have remained out of the main scenario. And who doesn’t know that exceptions are always exceptions. What can be deduced here then? The influence has never been unidirectional – Indian society and cinema have been influencing each other altogether.

    Indian cinema and society influencing each other :)

  2. Travelindia

    Travelindia New Member

    Since cinema are the replication of the society and society also watches and starts accepting the changes introduced by cinema, I think both influence each other well. Generally behind any creative thing there is an inspiration, hence for the cinemas it more the society that we live in. Through cinemas, only we come to know about the different issues that are prevailing in India but somehow we ignore them. Its cinema only, which brings that ugly face out in the market. That’s true that over the period the movies are showing more of bloodshed and vulgarity, but then again it’s all about how we look at it. One side we can say it’s vulgar and on the other side we say it bold and beautiful. People of today want more of substance and reality than normal melodrama and hence peeping into reality reveals the real and crude look of our own society and people.
  3. techguru

    techguru New Member

    Cinema can't be blamed alone for changes

    I agree with travelIndia that society and cinema are replicate of each other. In present scenario the major Cinema is Bollywood. If society gets influenced by what is shown on the silver screen, the bollywood always try to serve what either exists or is demanded by the society. So Bollywood cannot be blamed alone for the change in the society.
  4. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    we indians are more affected by the television and cinemas. its mostly the children and youth who try to mimick what we see in the cinemas. the present scenario of indian cinema is not so good as we are moving towards development and our present generation is very sensitive. if cinemas continue to show vulgarity, the present and future generation is all set to adopt it.
  5. sneha123

    sneha123 New Member

    Hello friends,,,,sneha here,,,,I'm new in this forum,so,I think both influence each other well. Generally behind any creative thing there is an inspiration, hence for the cinemas it more the society that we live in. Through cinemas, only we come to know about the different issues that are prevailing in India but somehow we ignore them.....then like it......Thanks lot,,,:):)
  6. Trendster

    Trendster New Member

    There are billions of audience of Indian cinema worldwide. Though, Industries are divided according to language but still each one gets so many audience. Indian Cinema needs to organize & focus on originality instead of using copied/inspired concepts which are successful in foreign countries.
  7. Leader

    Leader New Member

    There is nothing left in Indian Cinema except cheating, vulgarity and nonsense.. Not only youngsters but Indian cinema is responsible for making kids premature.. Most of the parents do not have enough time for their kids and they leave them on the faith of granny or house maid.. which in turn are not at all responsible and kids watch whatever they feel like.. This results in puberty....
  8. R2India

    R2India New Member

    these days in india people are more inclined to watching movies with great curiosity. and whatever is portrayed in movies, affects youth the most. the ways of living, the talking habit, and much more are taken up by the youth without giving a thought on its pros and cons. and in such a sensitive society, indian cinema should take care of to what has be to show as it brings a large impact on the society.
  9. seema

    seema New Member

    Movies are a great way of entertainment and is one of the best from of mass media. The movies have a great impact in our society as people are so much inclined towards it and starts taking things that are shown in cinema more seriously and apply them in their day-to-day life. Moreover, cinema is the depiction of our society with little spices and these little spices influences the society to a great extent.
  10. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Indian Cinema have made a huge impact in the Indian society with time. Every bad and good things that are happening in our society is a result of Indian cinema. Nevertheless, movies act as a mirror of our society and people try to imitate and implement everything that is being shown in in movies. However, Indian cinema has a huge contribution in reforming the society and the nation as a whole.
  11. kushy

    kushy New Member

    Movies and T.V shows are the main entertainments where all types of people are engaged.These have more impact on people either in a right or wrong direction.To present a message or information in a easily understanding manner is a difficult task for creators but very happy to see their presentation.In past there was a big problem when Chennai government wants to stop the shows for some reason,they did not know how to engage the unemployed and uneducated people.

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