Indian-American Professor killed in university shooting


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An Indian-American professor was among three people killed when a woman teacher allegedly opened fire during a faculty meeting at the University of Alabama in the southern city of Huntsville.

Huntsville Police Chief Henry Reyes identified the Indian-American professor as Gopi Podilla, who was the chairman of the biological sciences department.

The other two killed, Maria Davis and Adriel Johnson, were associate professors of biology.

Three people were also injured in the incident on Friday evening, local media reported. Of the wounded, two were faculty members and the third was a staff member.

Reyes said a woman shooting suspect was in custody and a second person was detained, but not arrested.

"We have a suspect and possible persons of interest," he told reporters on Friday night. "Until we go through everything, we're not going to say exactly how many or who we have."

Police did not give the reason behind the incident, but local television WAFF, citing authorities, earlier said the woman shooter had opened fire after learning at a biology faculty meeting that she would not be granted tenure.

The incident is reported to have occurred shortly before 4 pm in Shelby Hall in the university campus on Friday evening.

Police arrived at the scene at 4:01pm and residence halls were locked down at 4:10 pm, Reyes said, adding the building was secured by 5:45pm.

Indian-American professor among 3 killed in US university shooting - US - World - The Times of India
Dragging the issue

While the death of the professor is a shocking event, it does not necessitate making it a political issue. Steps must be done to stop such things but giving special emphasis on the word ‘Indian’ while referring to the shot professor only aggravates the issue. Else there is nothing as such for it to be posted in a site like this.
Indian American Professor killed in University shooting

This is a sad new, but this does not appear to be a case of discrimination of any other political notion, as the other two people who were killed were not Indian. This has been a situation of complete insanity from the side of the woman student. Her incompetence leads her to act this way and is the major reason for her criminal offence.