India is not involved in Nepal

Discussion in 'World' started by nidhisood, May 1, 2011.

  1. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    India has maintained that it is not meddling in the affairs of Nepal. It has maintained that the Maoists allegations against it are baseless. The Maoists have alleged India is hampering its democratic efforts and is interfering in National Matters. While on the other hand they are looking up to Red China. Is China going to take Indias place in matters of Nepal ?

  2. R2India

    R2India New Member

    in my view it is better that india does not intervene with the nepali matters as the maoists are against it. india was just being helpful in sorting out matter and when help and suggestions are not welcomed, it is better to stay away from such matters irrespective of whose help is sought.
  3. Leader

    Leader New Member

    India hardly involves in other countries matter whether it is political, social, financial or other matters. In fact india should not involve in other countries matter as it will only degrade the impression of india in wrong way. In nepal's case i don't think india is interfering.

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