India is a Secular Country

Discussion in 'India' started by warrior, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. warrior

    warrior New Member

    Secularism is a broad term and it literally means something which is not concerned with religion. Countries all over the world follow and abide by some faith. However, India is one such country where people belonging and abiding to every faith and religion live together.

    India is most often referred to as a small continent, not just because of geographical diversity but also because of the fact that people belonging to various sects and religions all live together in harmony.

    A country which treats all its citizens equally irrespective of his caste, creed, race, religion and color is referred to as a secular country. India is rich in its tradition and values, history is witness to all the secularism India has shown and displayed from time to time.The true essence of India lies in its Unity in diversity. Though there are people following different customs and traditions in different parts of the country, when time arises all these differences are forgotten and people get together as one to stand for their country, their homeland, their India.

    Another important point which shows secularism of India is that though there are various languages spoken in every part of the country, everyone respects the National language Hindi with the same reverence as they respect and revere their own mother-tongue and its dialects. Regionally one may differ but nationally all speak the same language and carry the same spirit of oneness and brotherhood.

    From time to time miscreants have made attempts to target and break the strong bonds of secularism, but no one has been able to break the bonds all together. The unity and the integrity of India are all carried on the strong pillars of secularism. Every true Indian must make an effort to protect and safeguard the secularism that we all have been following since ages.

  2. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    though there are few discrepancies in working of secularism india stands strong in being secular for its citizens. india is a nation with many religions such as hindus, muslims, christians, jains, budhhists, and many more. but all are treated equally by the indian democracy. there is a great balance between all these people and we are all proud indians.
  3. Leader

    Leader New Member

    George Jacob Holyoake, a British lecturer and an avid atheist first coined the term Secularism. He was the last person who was convicted with Blasphemy. He called himself an atheist and strongly believed that the state and the church should be separate entities. Due to his conviction he had to undergo 6 months imprisonment. During this time, his editorship in Oracle newspaper was lost. After his imprisonment, he became the editor of his own Newspaper - Reasoner. Oracle newspaper had by this time started using the word - Atheist in a highly negative context.
    So, Holyoake coined the word secularism which was later widely studied and theorized and finally incorporated in our preamble. Thus, adding another unique feature to our nation's ethical values.
  4. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    Indian nation is greatly a secular nation because in india there is huge diversity in religions, castes and races. Amongst such huge diversity it is always difficult for such a large nation's democracy to be secular. Nevertheless, India without much effort works as a secular nation where everyone is seen with an equal eye.
  5. Gas

    Gas New Member

    India is a Secular nation as it has been incorporated in the Constitution after the 42nd amendment. It is a secular state in the true sense of the expression. India has a diverse culture, religion, languages, traditions etc. and each religion is treated equally and gives equal respect. It is the most unique characteristic of the nation that separates it from the other nations.
  6. indiangirl

    indiangirl New Member

    The Preamble to the constitution significantly states that India is a sovereign,secular,democratic Republic.India is land with lot many religions and languages.However Secularism binds the country in to one.Equality an important feature of Secularism.All Indians are equal before Law.
  7. bharat

    bharat New Member

    The Preamble of the Constitution of India declares India as a secular country. Article 15 of the Constitution prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. Secularism prohibits discrimination. As India is a nation full of diversities, secularism unites the nation. It is one of the notable features as provided by the Constitution and makes India a better nation.
  8. ScorpionKing

    ScorpionKing New Member

    Hi there.. sorry for my comment. But now a days the definition of secularism has been changed by our politicians. Now a days secularism has been divided into two parts one is Hindu and other is non-hindu. If you are a Hindu then you are non-secular and if you are non-hindu then you are secular. Means if you go to temple then you are Denominational and if you go to masjid/church then you are secular. If Narendra Modi does something for Hindu then he is Denominational and if Rahul Gandhi said that he is fighting for muslims then he is secular. If a Hindu does something then it is according to Denominational mentality but if a muslim does something then it is anti-reaction. If anyone talks about Hindu then he is non-secular but if anyone talks about muslims then he is secular. This country is going to down by down because of our politican.
  9. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Secularism is something that distinguishes India from other nations. Secularism was added to the Preamble of the Constitution of India after the 42nd amendment. Secularism prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion and treats every religion as equal. It promotes love and fraternity among the fellow citizens and binds everyone under a single word "Indian".
  10. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    India is a nation that has over 6 religions and every religion whether small or big is equally respected by every citizen and this makes India a Secular nation. India is a Secular nation in the true sense of the word as every religion is given equal status and there is no discrimination among the people on the basis of religion. Every religious festival is celebrated in India with equal enthusiasm and great fervor and this makes India Secular nation.

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