India France relations

Discussion in 'Foreign Relations' started by Yuva, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. Yuva

    Yuva New Member

    India and France bilateral relationship can be called as cordial and symbiotic on several aspects including trade and commerce, culture, sharing of technology, stand on terrorism and warfare. Strategic cooperation is the root of Indo-French bilateral relationship. Both the countries are co-operating each other strategically in the fields of science and technology, space research, education, business and military services. France was belongs to the group of fewest developed countries which did not condemn India’s nuclear test in 1998. France is a strong supporter of India’s permanent membership in United Nation Security Council. Mr. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India was invited as the chief guest of French national day in the year 2009.

    According to estimates, the current volume of Indo-French bilateral trade is 6.5 billion Euros. Both the countries aim at increasing this volume to twelve billion Euros by the year 2012. There are more than 1300 Indian students studying in different universities of France. French Government has signed an agreement with its Indian counterpart regarding the safety and security of Indians living in France. In the field of military services France has supplied Mirage 2008 to India. However, this aircraft created a lot of controversy back in India and France government is upgrading the loopholes. France is the largest supplier of nuclear fuel to India for civilian use purpose.

    Indo-French relationship after recent visit of Mr. Sarkozy

    In his recent visit to India, Mr. Nicholas Sarkozy referred India as one of the most reliable and crucial defense partner for France. Both the states signed several agreements to counter piracy and enhance maritime security for better bilateral trade. Along with, Mr. sarkozy also signed several new agreements related to Civil Nuclear Deal and defense with his Indian counterparts. Mr. Sarkozy’s recent visit to India will help the Indo-French bilateral relationship to become stronger compared to its current status.

  2. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    recently France has taken steps to strengthen ties between India and France. various issues were taken into consideration such as trade, security and relationship between the two nations. India should try to do it from its end to ensure both the countries are working together. just making pacts and signing civil nuclear deals is not enough. Executing them in well coordination without any rifts and errors is the need of the hour.

    Long Live India France Friendship !!
  3. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    indo-french relationships have been strengthened up since few years by meetings held by the french president sarkozy. both the nations have come up with pacts and deals which are in favor of both their growths. i think both the nations should strive to keep up their deals and pacts and work in each others directions for better relations in future.
  4. R2India

    R2India New Member

    indo french relations have been subtle so far and the relations are yet to go..both the nations are looking into stronger bilateral lies in various sections such as trade, technology and security. india and france are good partners since long time without any bitterness amongst them.
  5. pagal-guy

    pagal-guy New Member

    India France strategic relations

    India France relations refers to bilateral and Cordial relations between the the Republic of India and French Republic were established in 1947.

    According to French foreign policy South Asia remains a less importance area in the last 50 years. Not only France behaves like this but also most of the Western World thinks like this. The policy attitude helps in secluding South Asia. France usually focused on the supply of arms which contracts both Pakistan and India. Apart from electronics and telecommunications France does not show any interest or like to invest in India when economy issues are concerned. When South Asia opposes France is forced to focuses strategically, politically and economically in the Middle East and South East Asian region. In last two years there is a huge change in French policies towards South Asia. It usually focuses in supply of arms.

    There is a gigantic competition between France and India concerning about arms supply. As India has powerful military so India has to rely greatly on the Russia for the supply due to economic and political reasons. Another Asian country which depends on the Russian territory is Pakistan. But this is until the year 1995. There are various types of arms which supplies to the Asian countries like India and Pakistan.

    India buys supplies like Anti-tank guided missiles, Alfa Jet Trainer Aircraft, AMX Light tanks and Combat Aircraft. when India-Pakistan war was going on in the year 1965 France use to supply critical spare parts for the French combat apparatus in the Indian force.

    The India France strategic relations started growing from the year 1998. France was experiencing a rising interest in the political area as the events are followed to indicate and questioned by the French foreign Minister in the seminar held on "India and France in a Multipolar World". In the starting month of 1998 the president of France visited to every state of India. Then in the year 1999 the defense minister of India visited France. In the same year on the month of May the Foreign minister if India visited France and in September the prime minister visited France.
  6. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    both india and france are going slow on improving relations with each other. however, over the years tie ups have increased, be it economically or strategically or even politically. both the countries' ministers try to conduct meetings and discuss over improving the relations between two nations which is a positive sign over the relations
  7. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    India France relationship refers to the bilateral relations among the Republic of India and French republic were established somewhat around 1947 as well as both the nations have established a close co-operation since then in commerce and defence. Both the nations have targeted to enhance the bilateral trades from 7 billion euros to 13 billion euros till 2012. India and france established a Consortium of French indo universities to enhance educational cooperation at least till 1,300 nation’s students studied in france. These countries have signed agreements as well on social securities for Indian living in other country as well as joint co-operation on technology and space research.

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