India First, India Next

Discussion in 'India' started by Young, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Young

    Young Peace is the Mission

    There can never be a single bond except “Being Indian” that binds us together. It’s the single identity that everyone can own. We, the Indians don’t have single religion, single culture, single language, single caste or single creed. We have only the single nationality that is “Indian.” And it must be safeguarded for the sake of our national integrity.

    Let us put down all who try to segment our national identity on the base of language, region, religion or politics. Such elements must be controlled by force. Why someone will dare to give a call to expel people belonging to a particular region out of a city.

    Why someone will support another country because of religious similarity?

    Why someone will support foreign powers because of political ideology ?

    All must have to understand that our future lies in India. India was our past, India is our present and India will be our future. Laws must be implemented to protect national interest. No region, religion, caste or language can be above nationalism. Because “Being Indian” is the only one identity that unites all of us. Any other element that tries to destroy this common element must be washed away.

  2. Indian

    Indian New Member

    How I wish our political leaders could understand the same... Our Politicians should believe in India First , India Next They address India to be a secular nation, but their ideology is not even near to being secular :(
  3. suresh44in

    suresh44in New Member

    Thanks for the quote.There is lot that could be said about India and Indians.We need to re inject the patriotic spirit in the national life.Create a group of 100 dedicated volunteers in every state,train them to play significant role in awakening and inculcating national spirit in the society right from schools to cremations. If need be they could be utilised in the elections to guide people to vote for honest,dedicated and sincere candidates disregard of caste,creed or party.If we get 60% strength on an average in major elected bodies including parliament and assembly,concrete result is ensured.Its time to start actions. I am always available to give the best for the nation and people of India.

    Suresh Shah
  4. libramanju

    libramanju New Member

    very well said.Our one identity is and should be being Indian. why we cannot understand that those who want to separate us on the basis of language region or religion they are all selfish people. actually they themselves are not concerned with their own culture.because no religion no culture teaches hater ed.if they really love their culture they will respect all the cultures and religions. these things are big obstacles in the path to progress.India is moving fast towards success but those people want and try to drag it centuries back. intelligent citizens of India thinks with their own wisdom not with what a particular persons says .

    Manju Singh
  5. bobaranha

    bobaranha New Member

    I feel the political class is the worst enemy of our nation. The workshop of the Devil is in their offices to create new problems. If our political class was clean all these problems would not have started.

    Those who are in politics at present have not tasted the pain of getting independence. That is why they are not bothered of the nation or its citizen. It is only the common citizens patriotic zeal that has kept the nation as one till date. These politicians talk of nationalism but act other way round to fill their own pockets and become crorepatis.

    God, save our great Nation.
  6. pratap_rao

    pratap_rao New Member

    it is true that being Indian is the only bond in this diversity ,but we should also know that what does India mean what is India, it is just a piece of land or something different.I thank India is not just a land but it is a live body,it's livness is in it's culture , history ,Traditions , Religions , folk.One who is Indian he should know all about this so he can contribute for the nation.

    with regards,
    Pratap Rao
  7. pratap balani

    pratap balani New Member

    whosoever want India and Indians to be divided by regionalism should be treated as anti national and proceeded accordingly by Indian Penal Code.There should be no mercy towards such people.
  8. Desi

    Desi New Member

    India is not just a land...
    It's a culture, it's a spirit, it's a heritage. It's the soul without which no one can exist. Our existence is based on it and it's our present and it will be our future.

    Can anybody guess the future of India in different fields like Science, Economy, Sports etc,? Comments plz
  9. Gas

    Gas New Member

    It is very truly said that “Being Indian is the only bond that binds us together”. It is very essential in today’s time to awaken the hidden spirit of patriotism in the hearts of the people of India. Just by holding one another responsible for the happenings will not help the nation to progress rather we should march forward with unity by thinking rationally with our potential to construct a better India.
  10. indiangirl

    indiangirl New Member

    Being Indian is our only identity that every Indian carries.Every issue that concerns India should be washed away from the roots.We should behave like one soul residing in numerous bodies.Communalism,castiesm are issues that are disturbing our nation but we should get together to root out these problems.
  11. bharat

    bharat New Member

    I agree that Being Indian is our only identity and nothing else matters. It is important to consider ourselves as one and work towards the betterment of the nation forgetting every diversities that exists. It is true that India is our past, present and future and all we do should be for the betterment of the nation and to maintain the national integrity.
  12. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Despite of the several diversities that exist in India, the only thing that unites us is being Indian. It has become important for every citizen of India to understand that the progress of the nation lies in their own hands and their progress lies in the progress of the nation. Indians should now come out and work together in curbing the issues that India is facing today. The the dormant spirit of nationalism should be awaken in the hearts of the people in order to make India a better nation and for its development and progress.
  13. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    Nationalism teaches us that India comes first and India comes next. Every Indian should have the feeling of nationalism. This will also help in uniting the nation. The feeling of India comes first and next is important can solve several issues that India is facing today. Corruption, the major issue of India that exist today can be solved with this feeling.

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