India Enough is not enough

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by promod.chawla, May 15, 2010.

  1. promod.chawla

    promod.chawla New Member

    It’s about time to Stop and ask ourselves: “Can we bring the Change we all desire to secure Good Governance by just talking, writing, work-shopping, conferencing about what is wrong and what must be done to put things right?” We can’t, because this formula has never delivered. Because rediscovering what is wrong and the ghastly impact these wrongs have on peoples’ lives is now no longer news...we look the other way. And because, more seriously, the tired solutions that are repeated time after time have never worked. Why past and present attempts to ensure Good Governance have not succeeded in large enough measure seems to be question that is never asked or answered. What are the barriers and how to overcome them, or work around them has rarely been the focus of our attention. Simply put unless we know the nature of the road blocks on the pathway to Change we will never reach our destination. This sad conclusion has been reached after observing such activities for many long years...and yet we persist with this approach and earnest participants derive some satisfaction from having done their duty by ‘Rediscovering the Wheel’ of what is wrong. Full stop.

    I believe that the only solution that will work to hasten broad based Change is to harness the energies of the citizens of India in a peaceful battle to win our rights defeating those who have robbed us not just of our rights but also of our dignity and peace of mind by so often making it a necessity for citizens to stoop to participating in the corruption of handing out Speed Money to secure what is our just due. Pious proposals by the establishments’ vested interests to clean up corruption, forming committees to ‘Look Into’ our concerns, buying media support to whitewash or bury charges against the corrupt in high places, are designed to frustrate and derail these attempts.

    However, there is a glimmer of Hope: the myriad individuals and groups, working at the grassroots levels, harnessing local participation, to make the Change we talk about. They have succeeded and their stories reach us through magazines and newspapers and occasionally through television reports. But the stories get filed away and sadly do not have the Role Model impact they deserve. The challenge for us is to spread the word, to motivate others to replicate; in other words to market Successful Local Achievements across the country ensuring that others Buy the model and adopt it for themselves, their communities, their State, their India. Change on a significant scale can only be achieved if we mobilize resources to reach out and upscale the several local initiatives that have succeeded in securing people’s rights. An interesting aspect of almost all these endeavors is the active involvement of the people themselves. Let us therefore not fall into the nasty trap of labeling ourselves as Aam Admi or Common People or the Masses. We are People, Citizens of India and the people we elect to serve us and provide Good Governance are NOT VIPs or VVIPs. They are just People/Citizens like any one of us.

    Once we start to respect each other and realize the potential force we represent for securing Good Governance we can move forward with conviction that harnessing Peoples’ Participation is the right way to go.
    The Big Question that confronts us and so often frustrates us is ‘How?’ Who will lead, who will follow, who will support and also who will guide, fund and monitor? Through this column one will attempt to suggest strategy and tactics. One will strive to secure active support and participation. Finally, one will hope to receive constructive criticism, suggestions and ideas on whether the approach is correct and how to better it.

    At all times one must remember that such a movement is For India, not against anyone, seeking the support of everyone.

    Encouraging us is the emergence of a more alert and demanding electorate: non-performing governments are voted out; those that do deliver are re-elected. Unfortunately this is happening only occasionally and not often enough. (Perhaps because not too many deliver Good Governance!) Omnipresent media is having an impact highlighting blatant instances of injustice, non-delivery, corruption. Most often however yesterday’s scam or scandal is overtaken by today's and is discarded to the round file. (Otherwise known as the Dustbin!) Follow up is lacking.
    Another area of concern is one that should motivate all those that have a stake in India’s future. There is today a palpable rising tide of anger and frustration. Fed up with the non delivery of justice, dismayed and deeply offended by the deadly antics of our new overloads and their kin, deprived of basic human right facilities, People across all strata are taking the law into their hands. This is hardly surprising as the now infamous saying: ‘The law will take its course’ is more abused than used to deliver justice!
    Amidst all these dark clouds of dismay there are some slight slivers of brightness: the Right To Information Act is creating windows of opportunity to impose accountability, despite the still almost hopeless chance of offenders being brought to book; widening access to information, both in urban and rural India, through Television, mobile phones and, Yes, even the internet is creating an awareness of the Rights each citizen has to live a honorable and decent life.

    Leading this Change are emerging change agents: Women, Youth, Retirees and the many working in isolated pockets of endeavor. Missing as participants are the Captains of Industry, Adults enjoying, almost for the first time, the joys of a Good Life they are now able to access. The task at hand: how do we get these achievers to become active participants, perhaps leaders, in the Marketing of Good Governance? The sole objective being to make our country a fair, just and joyful place for all to live in. An objective that should bring us together as Indians. An approach that shuns divisive tactics based on caste, creed or ethnicity, while giving a helping hand to all those in need.

    Tara Sinha, Founder member, National Network For India (NNFI)

  2. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    quite a paradoxical gesture towards upliftment of present scenario of india's governance. but it is not much realistic so as bring such changes overnight. there needs to be hands of all the highly capable people in the country towards one motive, rather than much disfigured motif which ends up at nothing with hasty decisions. media, NGOs and government must and should synchronize actions.
  3. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    well i do agree with the statement. but then we cannot expect every class of people coming and joining hands for promoting revolution. but it does help out when everyone supports you for the work being done. if there is enough support from the top level people and if the work is being done by any class, there would be certainly hope in bringing worthy change.
  4. National

    National New Member

    well i think just writing and discussing would be enough but those writings should reach the right person who can make the changes. for instance someone from the governments end. we have much to discuss about and much to convey to the government. many people do talk.. but all those are lost in vain.. gov should recognize people's voice because even gov its the people who belong to same nation..
  5. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Just by writing about the issues will not make any change in the system and the government until we work towards changing the country and the issues by saying that enough is done and now we need a change in the government and policies.

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