India comes first always and every time

Discussion in 'Patriots and Patriotism' started by Army2479, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. Army2479

    Army2479 New Member

    The safety honour and welfare of India come first always and every time :)

    Movie : Param Vir Chakra
    Lyrics: Desh Bhakti Sarvopari , Karmshakti sarvopari


    Jai Hind

  2. Anigeet

    Anigeet New Member

    Proud Indian

    There are many reasons to why a person needs to be proud of being an Indian.I am too.But more then any thing my soul is an Indian,I breath India.I don't like anyone tarnishing the image or name of my country for personal gain..We all are aware who are doing it,and don't think twice about it.Any anti-national activity of any kind should be stopped.Every person needs to make an honest effort to understand that things can change for better only if each of us worry about our nation rather than their own personal gains.

    There should be no caste or religion.Just Indians.Why cant we understand we are destroying our own peace and progress by bringing up issues and making an issue out of it.Had it been allowed I would have personally deported all those people into the Arabian sea who are creating problems in our country.

    I love my country and I love Indian Armed forces.My heart and soul bows out to those brave soldiers who deserve much more. what a shame all the lousy people and are getting what they don't deserve.I have great hope from the new generation.And wish them all the best and I know for sure as the fire in their little bellies lights up the whole world.India comes first always and every time .
  3. Sameer.Verma

    Sameer.Verma New Member

    Bharat Sarvopari !

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