India China Relations

Discussion in 'Foreign Relations' started by Kaur, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. Kaur

    Kaur New Member

    Both India and China are the birth place of some of the oldest civilizations. The Chinese and the Indians have resided side by side for millions of years in peace and harmony. Both India and China are among the fastest growing economies of the world and both were able to insulate themselves against the impacts of the last recession. Thus a bilateral relationship has strengthened between the two countries since time immemorial. Trade relations have always bonded the nations via the Silk Road. Several disputes over the border were also a part of this Sino-Indian relationship since the beginning of 1950s. The disputes resulted in the Sino-Indian war of 1962, the Chola Incident in 1967 and Sino-Indian Skirmish of 1987. Both countries have however made efforts to reignite economic and diplomatic relations. Today India’s largest trading partner is China. China’s need for natural resources is now filled up by India. Most of the iron ore required by China is supplied by India. China’s assistant Foreign Minister Kong Quan has recently declared that will support India’s bid for UNSC seat.

    Geographically India and China are separated by the huge geographical barrier, the Himalayan Mountains. India and China today share a common border along the Himalayas and Bhutan and Nepal, two countries lying along the Himalayan range, act as buffer states. In addition, the controversial province of Kashmir which borders both China and India serves as a natural support to the People’s Republic of China since Pakistan’s relation with India regarding Kashmir is highly volatile.

    Dispute over Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh is a major stumbling block for India in developing a healthy relation with China. A recent article published in China insists that India’s control over the Northern part of Indian Ocean would be beneficial for China’s security. Such attitude hints at better future cooperation between India and China
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2010

  2. IndianPower

    IndianPower New Member

    India/China relations

    Indian and and Chinese cultures are very similar ask any Chinese person. I think these two countries need to form a alliance and become one of the worlds super powers over the US and the UK. Look how Cameron ran to India for support because the UK is now becoming a dump and there are no jobs available. I work in London and found the indigenous would not sit on a seat next to asian people they would rather stand up when their own Prime Minister decided India was the country he wanted to for relations with. The UK media has hidden how much the Indians have done to for the UK and have brain washed the indigenous that Indians are dirty people.

    I think India, China and Russia would suit well to sign up the the BRIC army there are one billion Indians just in India we form 1/6 of the worlds population we should make other Indians around the world safe and proud to be looked up to by the western indigenous people. It has been a long time coming, my parent (like others) left their families behind to come to the UK and what did they get? Racism and so did I, no longer, India can make us proud and I want the indian eye opposite this forum I am writing on tattooed onto my arm!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2010
  3. hjz1213

    hjz1213 New Member

    what's the best stratagy

    hi mate:
    I'm Chinese, I think wether one country could be proud is not it's powerful or not, but it is tolerant or not. only considering the military, I think both India and China are at the top. At least, better than Japan. However, why Japan is more acceptable than Indian and China? one reason is they also accept other country's cultrue and habits very well. A simple sample, how often do u have a bath? most Chinese used to have a bath every night, but westen people used to have a bath in the morning. that's just different habits. but if you are keeping in touch with each other, westen people might not like u, cos u havn't had a bath before meeting them. But Japanese have a batn twice a day. Not giving up their traditional hahits and accept the new culture. I'm having a bath twice cannot be the traditional way in Japan.
  4. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    india-china relations

    India-china relations are built strong since long time. Both the nations share a common culture. The Chinese preach Lord Buddha whose birth place is in India. There is lots of trading going on between India and china. India shares a long border along Himalayas with the china. Though there is some tension built up across the border due to insurgency by Chinese army, such issues need to be resolved as china could be a good friend to India.
  5. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    That’s true that Indian and Chinese culture are the oldest and the other cultures have been inspired by both the cultures. The relationship between these two nations are also developing well, but somewhere in the past there were bitter experiences that still haunt the minds of both countries. Therefore if both the nations want to grow and develop well, they first need to resolve all pending issues and then bury them and then move forward. So that there are no grudges in future and both nations firstly work and act in favor of each other and then for themselves.
  6. Alok.nath

    Alok.nath New Member

    India China Summit 2010 : China, India hope to build trust amid tensions

    When Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao arrives in New Delhi for his three-day state visit on Wednesday, he will be the latest in a parade of major world leaders that have visited Asia's second fastest growing economy.

    But the Chinese premier's visit is one of the most eagerly awaited, analysts say.

    "Wen Jiabao is coming to India when new tensions and strains have emerged in Sino-Indian relations," says Center for Policy Research Professor Brahma Chellaney. "This relationship is the most important bilateral equation in the world because these two countries make up nearly two-fifths of the global population."

    The two Asian giants are also the world's fastest growing major economies with a combined military force of 4 million troops. Pricewaterhouse Coopers estimates that the Indian economy could jump ahead of Japan by 2014, making the nuclear-armed neighbors the world's second- and third-largest economies by purchasing power parity.

    "When China and India join hands, they can make a positive impact, not just in their respective countries, but on the world at large," China's Ambassador to India, Zhang Yan, said at a press conference in New Delhi on Monday.

    Trade is the only area where India-China cooperation is booming

    "What we need is for China to view India's rise positively and see our relationship as a win-win because that is precisely what it is," said Rajeev Kumar, director general of the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

    source : China, India hope to build trust amid tensions -
  7. Nidhi

    Nidhi New Member

    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's India Vist was not a success since it resulted in many trade agreements but was short on meaningful political gains.
  8. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    india china relations have always been under suspicion for security reasons. though both the nations make various policies in the name of trade and business, like the ones made during mr. wens visit, the sensitive issues such as chinese infiltration into indian border and chinese surveillance on indian bases are not taken up
  9. R2India

    R2India New Member

    the relations of both the nations were quite good previously as both the nations shared a common civilization and religion. the buddhism has been adopted from indian origin which depicts good relations between the two nations. however the relations have got little sour between the two nations basing on the border disputes.
  10. National

    National New Member

    i think indo chinese relations are something very vague and keep changing from time to time. sometimes the ministers from both the nations meet up and have good talks in a positive way. and sometimes the news is up that china is secretly plotting against india. are these just hoax news put up or is there any deep reality behind it?? but, from a distance, china seems to be a neutral nation in relation with india.
  11. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Relationship between the china and India has been worst since ages over different issues. Territorial and land issues have been the main dominating in various problems of tensions and give rise to tension between the two countries. Despite of china’s wrong stance not in favor of India over little issues of land. The relationship can become strong and can be improved and they both can become the largest partners in trade that will be good for both nations in terms of strategic and economic front.
  12. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    both the nations have a common ancestry as both the nations have similar cultures and traditions. the religion prevalent in china has its origin from gaya by lord buddha. as the time passed, both the nations discovered themselves well by means of trading and commerce. though there are some disputes within both the nations, there are good economic ties which are signs that relations could get better in the near future.

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