Personally i do not think that india can lead the world. There are so many issues that india is fighting with in its own country. How can one imagine to lead the world when the country is unable to resolve its own issues. But on the other hand I guess, India has a potential to lead the world. If government looks after a country with 28 states in 28 ways then definitely then are going to get their answer. India is the world’s second largest growing economy after just 60 years of independence. India is moving at fast pace towards the development hence, India can rule the world.
India would never want to rule the world because we Indians have never been dictators to any country in the history. However India can be a leading power in the world if it succeeds in developing all the sections of society in the country. India has got a very strong potential to lead the world because it has an amalgamation of all the values needed for a country to prosper.
India gives a lot of respect to freedom. India has never been dictators to other country and never has it ever thought. Being a powerful country India never raises voice on foreign resources. India has always been in a defensive status with other countries that's the only reason countries like Pakistan and china always try to nudge our border lines. Yes, India can become the powerful country in the world but not a ruler.