India and The World

Discussion in 'Foreign Relations' started by Junoon, Aug 19, 2010.

  1. Junoon

    Junoon New Member

    India has established her position as a peace loving world power in the arena of the world. India has now become a very important piece of card in the jick saw puzzle of the world. India has the second largest population and is the best market to do business of any sort in. India if used properly is a revenue earning machine. The natural resources along with the tremendous talent, which only India is capable of producing, has taken the status of the proud country of India to a whole new level. India is now a name in the world market and no country would want to have a bad relation with India and in the process decrease the chances of getting to business in India.

    India has a very good relation with the world in terms of trade and commerce. The best part of the story is that India has been able to prove to the world that she is a peace loving country in more ways than one. India has been able to produce scholar who are now working in all leading sectors of the world. As a matter of fact, there are Indians in most of the important posts of the world. India is still a never ending packet of brilliance in terms of literature, art, science and commerce to the entire world. India is a very common name that can be heard whenever a worldwide movement is been organized. India is an independent piece of land in every way and has a very strong military layout as well which is apt enough to protect her boundaries.

    In general, India's relation between the world are great in most fields and is constantly improving. The basic reason has to be that, now not only India depends on the world, but the entire world also depends on India for several factors.

  2. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    India is one of the major powers in the world. It has a strong culture and tradition from which the world can learn. India produces many engineers and doctors, some of them who work abroad in other nations. India is helpful in meeting demands of many products such as minerals ores, fruits, clothing, artifacts etc.
  3. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    India andtThe world

    India is again evolving as one of the shining nation. Today the most of the engineers and scientist that are working abroad are Indians. The Indian intellectuality and entrepreneurship is leading the world. The stable conditions of India today are propelling companies and other nations to join hands with India.
  4. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    India has always given to the world and now again India is in a position to do the same. From intellectual support to economic support and from emotional support to the successful planning, India has always highlighted its true colors. The world cannot deny these facts and that is the reason that so many nation as moving towards India with a warm feeling.
  5. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    india has given a lot to the world in many ways, for example, world has very strong culture and traditional values to learn from indians. moreover india is rich in many of the natural resources such as tea, granite and many others. indians are also making global presence and world is slowly getting to know us.
  6. R2India

    R2India New Member

    india is slowly making its presence globally. people around the world are recognising its contributions. india is famous for its cultural and traditional richness it has and now a days india is also marking its presence in the field of science and technology.
  7. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    India is unique in many ways and the world respects the indians altogether. the india and the world are interconnected. india has rich tradition and culture which is admired by most of the people around the world. People of the world come to india for salvation which is indeed a good thing in itself.
  8. National

    National New Member

    India means a lot to the world and it is pretty evident as Indian values are very much respected all over the world. Indian traditional and cultural values are very much unique and exemplary and the world acknowledges it. we should be responsible to what we become in future should be able to give the world a better india
  9. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    World has started to recognize India and its people as emerging nationality. We have many professionals working all over the world, for example majority of doctors in USA are of Indian origin alone if division is made on races basis. Similar is the case in UK and so we can proudly say we have reached every corner of the world and proved our excellence.

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