Increasing sexual violence

Discussion in 'Women' started by Preeti999, May 23, 2011.

  1. Preeti999

    Preeti999 New Member

    Earlier, a girl used to be considered at a vulnerable (to men's lust) starting from about teen age but now one is witnessing so much of sexual violence and molestation cases with little kids, particularly girls, that one is forced to think about the reasons for this horrifying trend.

    Also, the number of cases involving Relatives and other close Family friends and family members is increasing so rapidly that it sends a chill down the spine to think of its repercussions.

    Why is the society getting so rotten for the Women? Is there a change in psychology or is it just that things are being brought into light much more than ever?

    What can be done to fight this monstrous condition created for Females?

  2. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Sexual violence is increasing day by day as they are still considered as a playing doll to many men. The orthodox mentality of men is still prevailing in india. The rural areas and even the urban and cultured men harass women sexually in many ways. Women are still used as an item for enjoying in the hands of men. When ever you see such things happening and violence against any women then do not hesitate to complaint that to police or many women social reformers.
  3. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    There has been an increase in the number of sexual violence in india and other parts of the world as well among women. Even if the couple is married the men tends to harras women sexually. Women cannot say anything to any one regarding this issue as it is a sensitive matter but till when she is going to bear all the ill results of the sexual violence?
  4. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    I think people have to change their psychologies for the women. Media plays one big role in manipulating the psychologies. Moreover i think it only due to media the people are getting more rotten these days because media does not fall back on showing the explicit scenes which are watched by almost all the age groups of people. So if media curbs on such scenes and tries to show more moral and ethics related telecast, people might change.
  5. Gas

    Gas New Member

    Women in India are considered as the scrawny section society and are victimized by various social evils like domestic violence, dowry death, sexual violence etc. since the time unknown. Sexual violence which is a social evil is prevalent even in the 21st century and is increasing at a faster pace. Women are still the victim of men’s lust not only at home but also at work place. Now-a-days, young girls below the age of 18years are the major sufferers of sexual violence. Are the Women and girls in India really safe despite of enacting several statues for protection of Women? How long are the Women of India going to suffer?
  6. insane.nick

    insane.nick New Member

    Those who sexual harassment must use sexual toys as dill doll or such baby dolls which comes for that purpose but not to do such unexpected and cheap things .
  7. Gas

    Gas New Member

    Sexual violence against women is seen to have increased imensly in India. Women are considered as vulnerable and are sujected to sexual violence since ancient time. Even young teenage girls are victimized today. It is indeed a matter of shame that the women folk are not safe and are just reagred as a subject to gratify the sexual desires of man. Till when do the women have to be the victim of such evil? When will the society become aware and safeguard the women from being victims of such ill acts of men?
  8. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Sexual violence is increasing day by day in India. Like earlier times, women are still considered as weak and are victimized by the male section of the society to gratify their sexual desires. Even young girls are not spared from being victimized. Many cases are reported that young girls below the age of 12 are being subjected to sexual violence. It is utterly sad that women are not respected even today and are considered as a mere object for gratification of sexual needs. The time has now come to protest against such act and stringent law and punishment should be given to the convicts.
  9. seema

    seema New Member

    Sexual violence is faced by many women and girls and is rising in India. Women are victims of sexual violence which is the result of the believe of masculinity. Male thinks themselves to be more powerful than women and try to show their manhood by forced sex like rapes etc. It has been witnessed that young girls are victims of sexual violence by older men. This issue is rising and needs to be addressed to make the society safe for women.
  10. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    Women have been victim of sexual violence since ancient times as women are considered as vulnerable and weak. Most men even in the age of modernization, considers women as weaker then them. Moreover, modernization is also a result of women falling victim of sexual violence. It can only be stopped by changing the society as well as by reforming the existing laws to protect women against sexual violence.
  11. youthens

    youthens New Member

    Sexual violence against women have become quite common in India and many women are falling victim of crimes even in work places. This is due to the prevalence of patriarchy in the society. Most man to show their masculinity forces sex on women. This is a major issue that women are facing today and can only be resolved by reforming the society and teaching the young boys to respect women since childhood.

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