Impact of Television on the Indian Society

Discussion in 'Culture' started by gentleman, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. gentleman

    gentleman New Member

    It’s better to begin with this assertion – even if the advent of television in the Indian scenario is a recent phenomenon, it has already made steady advances and profound impacts in the Indian society. There was indeed a time when television in India was a wonder and people of the neighborhood used to gather in the evening at the owner’s house to take a view of the most popular shows of those days. It would be wrong to say that the situation is quite different these days. In reality, there has been a radical transformation by now and television has become part of the life of the Indian populace, especially the urban and semi urban ones.

    Well, as per latest studies, television is making headway to the rural segment too and with the steady expansion of electricity, television is replacing radio sets. Is this good or bad? There simply can’t be one sort of answer to this. While as per many, television has made India more modern than was conceived once upon a time, detractors of this theory state (without any qualms) the same has led to erosion in age-old Indian value system too. Hence, contention does go on in this realm too.

    If you are in the first group, it must be said modestly in spite of predominance family channels in the Indian television industry, a few problems are plaguing the country at the moment. Perhaps the greatest of these has been the mounting influence of Americanization and the role of television in this can’t be disregarded. Vulgarity that was even in the recent past limited to celluloid has entered the Indian households through the channels (reality shows) and definitely confusions are rising as a result. What do Indians fail to realize is that their culture is on the wane and they are devouring pricey merchandise at the cost of their own enriched assorted culture

    Television is Eroticizing Indian sanctity . what do you Think ??

  2. Travelindia

    Travelindia New Member

    Impact of television on Indian Society

    The intention behind the invention of television was to educate people and make them aware about the latest developments. This was one of the easiest ways to educate even an illiterate. However, in recent years we can easily see that this concept in no longer surviving. People are getting glued to television, in order to see soaps, fashion, and reality shows. They are rarely concerned about the actual news. Even news channels today are more like entertainment channels. They have surely made a deep dent on Indian culture, where people are forgetting their culture and values and are getting washed with the western culture. People have stopped reading books and they believe that they can learn more from television. In whole it is more a curse than a blessing.
  3. techguru

    techguru New Member

    T.V. is serving our demands only

    T.V. programs are TRP oriented. They show what people want to see rather than what people should see and know.
    But I still believe attitude of a person also matters. Even we don't prefer watching Cultural and religious channels; we love fashion, entertainment, gossips, bitching and cat fights. TRP proves that.
    T.V is serving according to society demands only.
  4. R2India

    R2India New Member

    the impact is very prominent as people of india stick to the soaps on the television and act like the actors and actresses. so what ever is shown on tv impacts peoples lives greatly. the way of living, the fashion, the food, the way of talk and many more, all affects people to some extent. and so the television and media should keep in mind the values of our culture and try to keep it up by showing what is not controversial.
  5. indiangirl

    indiangirl New Member

    The invention of the television has provided man with a vast world of knowledge and entertainment.However the impact of television on children and students is not appreciable always and in all fields.Students stick to the t.v for hours.The reality shows shown are a major cause of distraction for young minds.More over certain t.v shows instigate young minds to do the wrong.People should complain against certain controversial shows shown in the t.v or use of abusive languages because now a days children rely mostly on t.v for entertainment.It is our duty to stop and prevent students from watching shows that deviate their minds.
  6. indiangirl

    indiangirl New Member

    Television is making people aware of many social issues but at the same time t.v is becoming much more bolder then before.It is to a great extent exploiting the young minds with various negative ideas but it still exposes us to many things which helps us in many ways.Alot of criminal minds are coming into being through the t.v programmes which brodcastes such programes
  7. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Television has made a huge impact in the Indian society. Television was a bizarre thing when it was first introduced in India. It was introduced in order to educate the people and create awareness among the people. However, today Indian Television, apart from providing knowledge and creating awareness also provides entertainment. It is in many ways influencing the society with its various programs. Like any other technology or development, Television also has some negative impact but we cannot forget or overlook its positive impact. It helps us remain connected with the world by providing news and information about the on-goings in the society and World at a large.
  8. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Television has intense impact on our society. It has changed the life styles of the people and has turn out to be a chief influence in our culture. Unlike printing, which took several years to have its impact on the culture, the impact of television was almost immediate. Television has occupied a significant place in homes and as a result, it is certain to make an impact on the individuals and the society as a whole.
  9. seema

    seema New Member

    Television today, plays are great role in shaping the society. It has a vast impact on Indian Society and this impact is both positive and negative. The advent of television has changed and reformed Indian society to a great extent. Some of the positive impact includes: It has helped in getting new information and has created awareness among the people. It helped in breaking the social barriers as well as in abolishing social evils. It is a platform for showcasing and grooming new talents. Above all television has helped in globalizing of various Indian culture. The negative impact of television includes socialization has declined to a great extent and it has also affected the eating habits, decreases concentration etc.
  10. youthens

    youthens New Member

    Television is one of the major influencing factor of the society today. Television has changed the life as well as the way of thinking of people. It has created awareness among the masses and people today believe more on what they see on the television. Although it has negative effects but has made a huge impact on the Indian society.
  11. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    Television is the mirror of society and Indian television has a huge impact over the society as it influences the people. Indian television has not only created awareness but also has made Indian society modern. It has opened the minds of Indian people and have welcomed modernization with open arms and this is all because of the influence of television.

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