Increasing food prices have a deep impact on the poor people as they have to face the consequences of it to a major extent. However the whole population gets affected by the price increase but the poor classes are highly affected as it become really tough for them to adjust within their scanty incomes. Due to poverty the poor people are unable to earn even a basic livelihood, and managing a meal during inflation period is really tough for them. At the other hand it hardly affects the rich class who rarely bother to think about the down trodden people of the country. Government at the other hand prepares the budget that is ever ready to exploit the meagre classes of the society. Inability to earn a basic meal leads to malnutrition and deprivation among the poor people that further results in the increase in death rate among them. Destitute people cannot escape this suffering, so what is the middle path that leads to the settlement of both rich and poor classes? Should the government make drastic changes in the budgetary system that takes a good care of the needs of the poor people or should it try to reduce the vast gap between the rich and the poor to resettle a favourable social system? This is a question to be raised and to think over... let’s think over it and share our views.