Ban over Maggie noodles has certainly been a shocking incidence for all of us, and more surprising has been the news that it contained excessive amount of Lead and unknowingly we had been consuming it to for so many years. But today generally everything has been adulterated in some or other way, even the big manufacturing companies of many of the popular eating products admit to have used many unusual ingredients which we would normally refuse to eat or use. And now these new findings about Maggi have left the people into a big dilemma about what to eat and what not to eat. I think this is the high time to finally switch over to natural things and products and to stop our too much of dependence upon canned and preserved food items. Nothing is better than the raw, fresh and natural food items, if one can really switch over to the natural products a whole of things can get back into alignment and one of them is the Health of the person. At the end what matters is the health of the person if consumption of artificial products has such devastating effects on the health then one should take it very seriously. Fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, unpolished grains and pulses would always overshadow the unhealthy artificial products. Do you think the same? Do you think natural products are better than the artificial food products and should we wholly switch over to the same?