I need help..! I am a graduate, actually not a graduate yet. I still have to give my 2nd year "ER" exams (completed my first and final year exams) and I have deep interest in computer, so I am planning to pursue GNIIT program. So I wanna know as I still have to give my 2nd yr "ER" exams. Can I go with GNIIT and I wanna know about GNIIT and its scope or other computer related course you can advise me which will be beneficial for me.. Thanks in advance
GNIIT is becoming popular day by day.. students can do their best in this field.. it has lots of scope and one can become a software engineer which is equivalent to MCA .my friends have done this course and they are on reputed jobs now.. you can go for it!
What kind of administartion you are talking about? yes, you can become a lecturar and join in some institute as a faculty.. you can also become a software engenieer and work in any MNC.. there are ways open for GNIIT professionals in India and in Abroad as well..
Its a booming field.. GNIIT is a good course to enrolled in. I have seen people around me doing this course and they are reaping benefits more than those people who have done MCA and BCA.. its a good course and you can go for it!