I love my India

Discussion in 'India' started by Youth, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. Youth

    Youth Moderator

    It is surely a matter of academic discourses if we have to find out what does define basic tenets of nationalism. What is most striking, even if there has not been any uniform definition of same, there has been no dearth in nationalist feelings in countries. As per a school of thought, nationalism is nothing other than love of country and readiness or eagerness to sacrifice for it. While some other one consider, nationalism speaks of the doctrine that one’s national culture and interests are higher to any other. Whatever it is, all these indicate love and pride of an individual to his or her own country remains unblemished. However, this love is also not the result of any sudden development. It does result from pride of an individual in the history, culture and several other facets of his or her own nation.

    I love my India
    immensely and there are enough reasons behind this. I do belong to a land that is regarded as one of the cradles of human race. It is the land that was instrumental in development of humanity and several other spheres of human civilization. These include culture, language, astronomy, mathematics and others (too numerous to be counted). How many people do know Sanskrit is regarded as one of the most scientific languages brought to the fore hitherto? This is also the land that gave birth to the notion of “0” or else there would hardly have been any further innovation in the realm of mathematics.

    This is not all. India has been known for its universalism, liberalism or tolerance and conviction in the sacredness of human soul for centuries. And all these have influenced people a lot, even the alien aggressors. From Alexander to the British, all alien rulers have fallen in love with the mystic appeal and exquisiteness of India and have turned out to be its brilliant admirers.

    With the exception of exquisiteness and adherence to Religion, India also knows how to struggle and get its independence. The glorious Indian national independence struggle for almost two centuries proves the same in the most eloquent manner. In each and every respect, India wonders all and will continue to the do the same.

    There are so many Interesting Facts about India to make Indians proud.I am proud of India.

    Why do you love India? Post your reasons to love India.

  2. gentleman

    gentleman New Member

    I love India

    India is a magical land of peace and harmony. The country has proved itself to be a world power in the world stage for several reasons. The world picture today is incomplete without India. India proudly hosts the largest democracy and thus is the largest market for any company to use. Almost all countries target India as the main source of income, by using her huge market. India has a very proud history and has been a proud mother to several legends whom the world respects still now. India has excelled in almost all fields. When it comes to literature, it is Rabindranath Tagore who is preached all over the world. When it comes to sports, India has Sachin Tendulkar in Cricket, Tennis star Sania Mirza and several other greats to be proud of.

    When it comes to Architecture, India is the home of the wonder of the world in the form of Taj Mahal. India is a place which is a very prime destination for tourists. Every single year, there are many tourists who flood from all directions of the compass to visit India. India is a rare gift of the Almighty who has mountains in the best form with the name of the Himalayas, lovely seas in the form of the Bay of Bengal, brilliant waterfalls, smooth rivers and rough desert. India has almost everything that can be present. The land is more like a miniature globe.

    India is a never ending source of brilliance in any field as well as natural resources. The population which is considered as a curse can be transformed to be a boon if used properly. The beautiful land which is known as the land of peace, the land of the great Mahatma Gandhi is indeed the best place to live in the entire world. There is no doubt that every single human being, specially the Proud Indians would want to say a single statement when speaking about Mother India, in the form of “ I love India ”.
  3. Tiger

    Tiger New Member

    Why should I love India? Is it since this is my homeland? This question is often asked by disgruntled people, born in this country. The question may appear to you as nothing other than treason even though any patriotic Indian must have the buoyancy and determination to answer the same without qualms. It is no wonder that every person has the right to speak on behalf of his or her own territory or motherland but it is always best if the answer is rooted in facts. What makes us proud as Indians, in spite of several shortcomings in the reigning scenario, is not that we are citizens of this country by the accident of birth. On the contrary, this is a land that is proud to have a great heritage and one of the most ancient civilizations in the world.
  4. warrior

    warrior New Member

    India is a country with a difference and I love My India for a lot of reasons. It is most often referred to as a continent in itself because of its geographical diversities. However, what makes India really unique is the fact that India is what it is because of its people. The true essence of India lies in its people and their spirit of oneness.

    India is a land of geographical diversity, a land where democracy and secularism are held of utmost importance. This is one country which has people of all various religions, castes and creed, speaking different languages and dialects all living together in harmony.

    The best part about India is its diversity which makes it stand apart from the rest of the world. The warmth and the affection that the people of India have to offer in spite of all their differences are worth a mention.

    Another aspect that makes India unique is that one can experience the goodness of many different traditions in one country. The traditions and languages change and vary from place to place but what doesn’t change is the friendly attitude of the people.

    India follows democracy which emphasizes on the fact that the country is governed by the representatives chosen by the people for their development. This is a country where agriculture is the major occupation, however now India is developing in all fields.

    The pride of India lies in our tradition and values that have been bestowed on us. We have a proud and a rich history , Culture and heritage and people all over the world come to our country to see and appreciate this. Indians are not just people with a heart of gold but they also have a mind which is well trained in the discipline they choose. The number of contributions in every field, be it science or mathematics are countless and worth a mention.
  5. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    There are many reasons to love India the most important being India is our motherland, our country. We all are in a way emotionally attached to our Mother Nation. There are a lot many other reasons to love the country.

    India is a country where one can find people of all castes, creed and religions live together in harmony and peace. The attitude of the people is here is warm and welcoming. This is not all; the numerous traditions followed here have a lot to teach. The values and value system instilled in us by our elders make our upbringing worthwhile.

    India is developing at a rapid rate, the Indian education system trains the students in every discipline which gives them a wider choice to choose the subjects they want to pursue their career in. India is one country where one learns to be multilingual. People here speak their regional languages as per the state, however at any national event they all are bound together by Hindi which is the national language.

    Industrially India is now developing itself at a fast pace, this has made it possible to provide jobs to many people. This country is a prefect match of the modern and the traditional values which fuse to get the best of both. People from all over the world come over and over again to India because there is so much to explore, see and learn.

    However, the major problem of our country has been illiteracy and ignorance. These setbacks have paved way for a number of problems. Lack of education has made it difficult for people to understand the problems that one is facing as an individual and as a community. Educating people from every walk of life will help solve a lot of problems. These will help people learn and understand their rights as citizens as well as make them aware of their responsibilities as good citizens.
  6. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    I love India my India more than My Life

    I love my India more than my Life because India is My motherland. India is the land where i find every thing is mine.’If you had an Ugly mother, would you desert her?’ I retort. ’However flawed, 1 still loves 1’s mother. I am not comparing mother India with an ugly person. No way! What I want to say is I love My India, not because of Indian culture, Indian heritage, History of India , monuments of India , Indian values or growing Economy of India. Not even for the sense of belongingness we experience, cradled in her bosom. I love my India simply because she is my Motherland !’
  7. Gas

    Gas New Member

    India is my motherland and that is the sole reason that makes me love India. India has so much to make us fall in love with the nation. The only nation where one can find people of diverse culture, language, caste and creed yet united together as a single nation. The values that people have been carrying until today is worth mentioning, making us feel proud. India has seen many ups and downs seen ages unknown but has never clogged its swiftness towards development keeping its values, culture and people intact.
  8. IamanINDIAN

    IamanINDIAN New Member

    India is my motherland and nevertheless it is a country rich in heritage, culture, traditions, languages, mythological tales, which cannot be seen in any other country. The history of India in medieval era, the independence era and the modern era is very vast and rich which is another aspect which makes my love deeper for India.
  9. bharat

    bharat New Member

    India is my motherland and I love my country. Everything about the country makes me fall in love again and again. It is the sole nation that has numerous religion, culture, language, traditions, caste and creed. The country has bestowed its citizens with abundance of natural beauty, natural resources etc making it rich and affluent from all spheres. The Indian History is rich and vast, the uniqueness of democracy and secularism etc makes me love the nation.
  10. traveller

    traveller New Member

    There are several reasons why I love India. One among all the reasons to love my nation, include democracy. The existence of democracy in India can be felt in every aspect, be it social, political or economical. India is world's largest democracy and has the longest written Constitution. Democracy guarantees us certain fundamental rights which are inherent rights of every Indian citizen. Democracy provides the right to choose the Government, freedom to practice any religion, freedom of speech and most importantly right to equality.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2012
  11. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    I love my India and I am proud to be born in a nation which has so many qualities. It is true that I love India as it is my motherland but I also have many other reasons to fall in love with my motherland. I love nation for its rich geographical diversities. India houses rich geographical diversity which ranges from beaches, to snow-capped mountains to deserts. This is one of the most beautiful aspect of India as it is a nation with rich natural beauty.
  12. 66manoj44

    66manoj44 New Member

    I not only love my India , I do respect my India.
  13. ILoveindia

    ILoveindia New Member

    I love India Because our country is the largest democracy andn one of the most responsible country in the world, as our voter turnout in recent elections was the highest recorded ever. I am proud to be an Indian!

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