How will n-deal affect our economy?

Discussion in 'Economy & Infrastructure' started by Puneet, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. Puneet

    Puneet New Member

    The cost of the N Deal is around 11 lakh crores which is nearly two times the indian budget, moreover the increase in prodution of energy is not phenominal.

    NUCLEAR ENERGY is not viewed as the solution for energy in most of the countries. Most of the countries are shutting down their reactors, and is it viable for india to go through ??

  2. Parminder

    Parminder Guest

    Would you mind providing the source where you got that 11lakh crore figure from please!
    What ever the cost be India will rise in hieght on the world stage. India wont sign the ctbt or the npt and if India still manages to get this N deal done it would be just a one off case and you could say that India would be bullying its way into that elite group.

    I am not sure how many of you know this but the same countries who chucked us Indians out like an unwanted stray dog in 1973-4 ( not too sure) are rolling out the red carpet for us even though we are still stuck up on the same issue and this does speak volumes :)

    I believe this N deal will go through and India will gain a lot of respect from unexpected quaters which was unimaginable untill a few years ago.
  3. Yogesh

    Yogesh New Member

    red carpets and respect ? yes, red carpet...... and they also waited for their guest or you can say customer of that technology which most developed countries has tested and dumped.These Americans seek only their interest in everything, this frightens me otherwise we are at not proper level where we can judge current and future of this deal

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