How to stop female foeticide in India ?

Discussion in 'Women' started by aswantkaur, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. aswantkaur

    aswantkaur New Member

    Female foeticide is a shame and a very serious challenge.Female foeticide is like one of the most heinous crimes imaginable on this planet.It is a slur on the name of our India and some more must be done to check it as despite efforts to get rid of it , it is continuing.

    how can we stop female foeticide ?

  2. Madhura Dande

    Madhura Dande New Member

    its really shame for us that even though there are many ladies leading in India, still we think girls as unwanted and consider only boys as


    we need to change this attitude.....
  3. mumuksharvats

    mumuksharvats New Member

    This is the biggest problem of India.I m in naval wing NCC and last year (2009) all the students of naval wing NCC including me went for a rally on female foeticide.And in some places the people were not in a mode to listen .What to do about them it is a serious matter ...........
  4. tigerwoods

    tigerwoods New Member

    female foeticide

    It can be stopped by changing the thinking of the people that not only boys girls are equally supportive to the family.. today girls are walking on the road shoulder to shoulder to men.. Educating the girl that how important girl is can stop the female foeticide.. :)
  5. khush

    khush New Member

    Education : It pays an important role in educating people to stop female foeticide .. killing girl child is a sin and it must be stopped.. it can only be done through educating people about the girl child..
  6. tigerwoods

    tigerwoods New Member

    Exactly.. this attitude needs to be changed.. today not only boys but girls are considered as a support to family.. they are independent and can take care of the whole family alone..people should be educated and then only this canbe stop..
  7. shivanigupta

    shivanigupta New Member

    Indian Social system need change

    Well, If we need to find the solution of Female Foeticide the first thing we need to find out is why Indian parents don't want a girl as a child ??

    We Indians know many reasons, Gender bias related causes. The basic problem is in Indian Social system and Indian Society. The fundamental difference is something like business. When you invest, you like to get return. When you invest in son, it will give you return but when you invest in daughter, it will give return to others in future.

    This mindset need to change. First thing, parents must be independent from both, Boys as well as Girls. Parents expectations that son will take care of them in old age and daughter-in-law will perform the family responsibility is wrong. Let them live their life and plan your old age on your own. Its different case that when parents are in need and children go an support them but it should not be a traditions.

    Secondly, as boy's parents are responsibility of both guy and his wife, similarly girl's parent's responsibility is also on both. If girl's parents need financial support that girls must be allowed to support them even after marriage. Than parents will give the importance to girls education also.
  8. hitesh2108

    hitesh2108 New Member

    It is democracy; a every family has the right to select the gender of their child. Anyway, illegalizing this will make this practice more popular and drive the market abroad in Thailand or underground.
  9. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    foremost thing which needs to be done is change of mindset of rural people who think having a male baby is more prestigious than having a girl baby. if this mindset is changed, then there wont be much left to do. and this can be done by displaying ads promoted by celebrities and celebrities giving speech on this topic visiting all places.
  10. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Female foeticide can only be stopped through the banned on ultra sound during pregnancy and government should snatch the licence of those doctors who do such practice. Those doctors who tell people for few bucks that the child inside their womb is male or female should be banned and due to this the doctors will be afraid to do so. This can be done through a regular check on the doctors and hospitals.
  11. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    By putting a complete and strict ban on Ultra sound as well as sonography in the initial months of pregnancy. It can only be made indispensable at the time of need say in 8th or 9th month of pregnancy so that there are no chances of female foticide and killing of a young baby. If this is done then killing girl child can be stopped to a great extent.
  12. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Female foticide can only be stopped only when the thinking and the behavior of orthodox rural people are changed. The problem of female foticide is becoming a huge problem in the country like india. People have given more importance to boys in comparison to girls and which is a sour fact in todays life. In fact not only rural but urban people also think the same way. this thinking need a reformation and then only this can be stopped.
  13. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    education is the best way to stop female foeticide in india and other parts of the world. women are an important part of everyone's life and bear a lot. she is the one who run the family quite well and if we start killing girl child inside the womb then who will run the family?? There will be less girls in comparison to men. So educate girls and parents to stop killing females inside the womb.
  14. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    Educating people that females are equally important as males would help in reducing the number of cases. Apart from this doctors should be made to follow strict codes of ethics to prevent such foeticides as this not only taints the medical profession, but also indian nation as whole. We have developed almost in all areas and we cannot let such age old malpractices to run, causing malign to the society, and nations demographics.
  15. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    Measures For Increasing Sex-Ratio In India: To improve sex ratio, Indian Government has adopted multi-pronged strategy including legislative measures, awareness programs, advocacy, and programs for the women's socio-economic empowerment. Under an act passed in 1994 sex-selective abortions had been made a punishable offense. Foeticide is also penalized under IPC section 315.
  16. Economist

    Economist New Member

    Sex-Ratio in Meghalaya Favors Women. Sex Ratio in Meghalaya favors women, number of women is 972 per thousand men in that state of India, which is even higher than national average i.e. 933. Indigenous communities of Meghalaya follow matrilineal system in which men, women, children accord equal rights.
  17. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    Indian PM Condemns Female Foeticide: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh quoted that India must be ashamed of the frequent female fetuses’ abortions; he condemned the country's widespread practice owing to its deep routed traditional preference for son child. Each year near about 500,000 female fetuses are aborted.
  18. jyanendra

    jyanendra New Member

    India's missing girls -

    The plight of the girl child in India is truly deplorable. It is heart-rending to read and listen to the facts.

    (Besides the text and pointers in this post, you will also find links to download a documentary and a report)

    BBC programme on India's missing girls -

    htt p:// .co .uk/2/hi/programmes/this_world/7039681.stm
  19. Gas

    Gas New Member

    Female foeticide can be stopped by making stern and more effective laws along with creating awareness against it. Education in the proper way can be an effective measure in putting an end to it. Punishment should be more severe so that people are scared to do such an act of disgrace.
  20. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Female Foeticide is an act of utter disgrace. It has been prevalent since quite sometime in India. Sex determination must be stopped totally and any one who does it should be given severe punishment. Education cannot stop it because it is even carried out by the educated people. The Doctors who performs sex determination test as well as helps in killing the fetus, should be severely punished and should not allow them the practice as doctors anywhere in Indian and their license should also be cancelled. These type of severe punishments might help in stopping female foeticide.

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