How to Respect Women

Discussion in 'Women' started by shivanigupta, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. shivanigupta

    shivanigupta New Member

    One of the most important values you can teach your children is how to respect women. Children, especially young children, learn to respect women by modeling behavior. Child learn appropriate and respectful behavior by observing the behavior of those around them.

    Below is a list of a few techniques for Parents to help you teach your child how to respect women.

    1. Be a Good Role Model

    Treat all of the women in your life with fairness and equality. Treat all women in the manner in which you would like to be treated. Value the women in your life. Your child will learn to respect women from observing your respectful behaviour towards women.

    2. Value Your Child
    The most effective way to teach respect is to show respect. Valuing other’s opinions, accepting people as they are, being polite, kind, and admiring the people closest to you are key components of respect. Teach your child to respect women by valuing, accepting and admiring your child. Your child will learn through personal experience the importance of treating women with respect.

    3. Be Honest
    Teach your child, through example, the value of honesty. Admitting when you do something wrong and apologizing for your actions will help your child learn the value of honesty and respect.

    4. Be Positive
    Do not tolerate sexist language and attitudes. Do not embarrass, insult or make fun of your child or the women in your life. Instead, compliment your child and the women in your life. Remember, your child will learn from your behavior.

    5. Be Polite
    Teach your child the importance of being polite and courteous to others.

    6. Be Caring
    It is important to teach your child to be empathetic to all individuals. Doing so will teach your child to be accepting of diversity.

    7. Self-Respect
    It is important that you teach your child to value themselves. It is much easier to respect others when we respect ourselves.

    8. Listen to Your Child
    Listen to your child’s concerns and ideas. Only by listening to your child can you help them mold positive values such as respect for women.

    9. Show Your Child Love
    Make your child feel loved on a daily basis. Even if they make a mistake or behave inappropriately, remind them that they are loved. Remind your child that although their behavior was inappropriate and unacceptable, they are still loved and valued.

    10. Do Not Tolerate Violent or Aggressive Behavior
    Teach your child that it is NOT acceptable to act violently towards others. If your child acts in an aggressive manner towards women it is important to take the time to explain why this behavior is unacceptable. Explain to your child alternative ways in which to resolve conflict other than through violence.


    ADTUINDIA New Member

    Awesome, I Admire keep it up...That's the degree of proud india.

    Online Education
  3. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Certain virtues and values are learnt at home and respecting women is one of such things. A child will automatically respects women when he sees his elders do the same as it is observed that a child imitates his elders. If these values are incorporated in the child at an early stage he will follow it all throughout his life.
  4. rajks

    rajks New Member

    Yes I am agree with Bharat, good.It develop our elders ethics.Thanks

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