How to Eradicate Corruption in India ?

Discussion in 'Corruption in India' started by sree34, May 30, 2009.

  1. sree34

    sree34 New Member

    "I just paid 50 bucks to that boy... was parking my bike under 'No Parking'", "Oh come on man, no need to wait here, just pay 300 to that guy and get the ticket. I can't come again to see this movie", "You know something, I paid 8 Lakhs for my teaching job and i am going to demand 25 Lakhs as dowry", "This is the last seat, pay 50,000 donation now or wait till next year to admit your son in this school", "Hi dude this is original but we can't give bill. if you go to that shop you need to pay 10000 for the handset", "Why you want bill for these ornaments? You can save 25000", "Good job man, you cooked up 50 Lakhs this year, will get you a surprise gift", "Paid 150K to that guy, he was sleeping on that file for 2 weeks". It is really painful to hear this from our fellow India citizens, right ?

    For the last 50+ years, we have been constantly debating on these social issues. We have sorted out some of the reasons for corruption but still it corruption can be observed across government/semi government/provate offices/public life. There are lot of discussions happening on this topic and so far many Indian or International researchers would have obtained PhD on this. But still we don't have a clear cut idea on how to stop it or how to fight against corruption. We have not reached anywhere near a corruption free society. Many ideal and responsible officers and politicians have been trying to control corruption but still it is a reality in India.

    In this context, I would like to present an idea which stops corruption and resolve plenty of other social troubles.

    Go for digital cash and stop printing currency

    If we can stop printing currency and coins, it would be a revolutionary attempt to save our country. This can make India, free of corruption and accelarate our transition towards ‘developed country’ status.

    You might be thinking this as illogical or quite impossible. The same sort of thought process would have happened when ATMs or eBanking started just by replacing traditional processes.

    Today we are using debit/credit card to purchase online or offline, to transfer money etc. We are quite comfortable with that and more people are going to use this facility in coming days. So it is achievable and the possible challenge would be to launch digital currency, country wide with special care to cater needs of rural masses, illiterate people and people those who are differentially able.

    To achieve corruption free india through digital cash, we may need to do all these or more

    1. Make bank account mandatory for all citizens
    2. Stop printing cash and coins. Digitise existing paper currency and coins like DEMAT
    3. Ban buying/selling using paper currency or coins after giving enough time for digitisation
    4. Make source of income mandatory to perform digitisation and in the absence of source, that money needs to be considered as black money
    5. Issue cashcards (refillable) to all account holders with guidelines in regional language too
    6. Convert existing ATMs as self service kiosks [ account to account or account to cashcard transfers, statements etc].
    7. Start more low cost self service kiosks across India which provide easy access to citizens
    8. Make Registration/license and bank account with point of sale softpay facility as mandatory to do any business/service, irrespective of scale of business.
    9. Provide low cost point of sale softpay facilities [card/cash payment] in which seller can generate a bill and customer can swipe and pay any small amount.
    10. Make billing mandatory for any sale irrespective of amount.
    11. Make source of money and purpose of purchase/sale in bill, mandatory if sale/purchase value exceeds certain amount.
    12. Provide wireless point of sale soft pay facility to cabs/taxi/autorikshaw service and similar kind of services.
    13. Provide ticket vending machine with point of sale soft pay facility to city/rural transport services
    14. Ensure highlevel security to cash/credit card and online transactions. This need to be ensured with pin, thumb impression, retina scanner etc. Also ensure extra security levels, transaction amount wise.
    15. Provide special purpose cards with adequate security measures to old aged, illiterates and differentially abled people.

    Bribing will lose its charm. How do you receive/give bribe? No cah in suitcase or in nearby shop or relative's house or secretary's car. You can't ask somebody to transfer to your account or pay your bills. All transactions, bills can be monitored and recorded. Still there is a possibility of buying a product/service and gift to another person, just to bribe that person. But there is a limit for this and the person who has accepted the gift will be in a very difficult position to dispose it off. Registration is mandatory to sell something and you will be caught if you are not a genuine seller. So you can't sell it legally but can go for Barter system!. During an IT/ investigation raid, it will not be that much easy to give reasons for all those gifts accepted. Your assets, digital cash, earnings etc should matched at any point of time and rest of the things can be considered as illegal by Government. When everything go digital, total net worth of any citizen would be available with Government and nobody can keep crores of rupees in water tank or in caves. That game is over.

    Child labor, bonded labor, employing contract/badlis by showing minimum wage only in records will be stopped. Employer can't pay employee something and send them away. Salary can be paid through bank accounts only and this will make the job of Labor Inspectors and Government machineries easy. No county can ban our products with the reason that we are employing child/bonded labour.

    Sales/service/income tax calculations will be 100% correct. No tax evasions is possible because you will not be able to receive money through a secret transaction through any other channel. Bribing is out of the question. Shop owners needs to keep accurate records for stock, they can't increase the price unnecessarily because bill will become mandatory for all sale transactions.

    There can be sharp decline on street vendors or rag pickers. I would say it is good for future of India. Do we need our kids to become school dropouts and start working in the so called unorganized sector? I would say No. If we discourage odd jobs in unorganized sector, obviously more employment opportunities will be created in organized sector. Bonus would be 100% literacy, make people motivated to go for proper education and highly skilled and professional workforce.

    By making billing mandatory for sale and cash transaction, 99% consumer exploitations can be avoided. Quality of products/services will be improved.

    Sale of banned drugs, illicit liquor, smuggled goods, Grey market stuff and sex trade can be reduced to some extend. There is a possibility that people those who are in illicit business can open bank account and register business for some other purpose and continue their illicit business but Government/ other statutory bodies can easily trace the roots and find the culprits. Citizens too will change their life style. How many of us will become comfortable in swiping our cash card or credit card for payment towards buying a banned product/illicit service. The fear factor 'can be caught later with the bank transaction record'n will work here.

    Now you may point out another loophole that citizen can accept cash in any other country for illegal activities or corruption in India. Yes, this can happen untill and unless other countries too moves completely to digital currency. When the country march against corruption united, this is not going to happen so easily and I am not thinking that to receive 10,000 rupees, somebody will open an account in switzerland. End of the day they need to go out of country to spend that money because they can't transfer that money to India. RBI can crack it.

    Another possible good outcome through digital cash would be abolishion of existing black money in country. Banks can reject digitization of cash if the source of income is not there or not genuine. Sale/Transfer of assets too can be blocked [because you can't simply accept cash, need to provide bank account!]

    Billions worth black money can we wiped away and this will discourage people to crave for that money. People will invest money in business in an organized manner and business environment will become more professional. Once country's economy is improved, definitely more investment can be attracted and this in tern will improve our infrastructure, standard living and overall economy iself.

    End of the day, common public will criticise bureaucrats or politicians for all sorts of social troubles. But can we point our fingures to politicians or bureaucrats for all these troubles?. I would say 'No', every single citizen in India is responsible for best and worst in our country. We need to act. We should be able to do social campaigning for the development of India and eventually a social opinion should be evolved.

    So what do you think about digital currency? Come up with advantages, disadvantages or challenges on this if paper currency is replaced with digital currency. Please write your feedback, share this idea to your friends, relatives and seek their opinion too.

    Disclaimer :- Kindly note that this is expression of an idea based on beliefs and perception of author. Media reports, day to day observations, scams in public life, personal experiences etc would have been influenced that. This is visualisation of a solution and possibilies of technology and not based on any research, statistical analysis or authentic studies.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009
    MAHAMMADHUSEN likes this.

  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    ha, this is NOT feasible and NOT practical.

    Imagine a Little Kid going to buy a candy shop around the corner,

    There are many people trying to make a living with very little, they come up with small shops and it wont be fair if they'll have to pay for all these digitalized machineries just because he is trying to earn some extra cash.

    Also, Indians are NOT that machine friendly, using digitalized Currency will be like rocket science for them.

    Its a really good idea though.And real good write up!


    Really Ultimate idea but we will have some issue faced here also
    we have to make lot of changes to bring this as said its not practical we need to make everything degital from auto to pani poori wala which is like not posible

    But Nice idea :)
  4. indianbeep

    indianbeep New Member

    Ultimate idea to stop corruption. If we travel across India, on a single day itself, we can observe multiple instances of corruption, poverty, beggary, ...
  5. AifricTimothea

    AifricTimothea New Member

    hi friends,

    Government officials will spend taxes buying things to non productive companies. They will take as workers to non efficient persons and all policies will lead to get richer Online Tax Preparation as individuals. For some months or years everything will apparently work all right and all mistakes, defects and errors will be hidden.
  6. saledekho

    saledekho Guest

    Hello Friends

    I agree above point to sum up we may say that
    for Great India we have to do following thing

    1 Remove Corruption.
    2.Increase literacy rate
    3.Young & educated people come forward and take leadership of this Indian country.
    4.Black Money which is in Swiss bank should be come to india.

  7. warrior

    warrior New Member

    The way forth

    Corruption has various facets that need to be handled separately to maintain proper governance. The first thing is to increase the literacy rate. Illiteracy is the main barrier to development and corruption strives on it. The next issues to be addressed are increasing population and poverty and resultant unemployment. We need a better leadership from the front and all the people need to be aware of what’s going on with the economy.
  8. jigneshfromindia

    jigneshfromindia New Member

    my dear friend,if this is so much easy then govt would have already implimented it.this practical the only way to stop corruption is by stopping it to happen from your side.
  9. shivanigupta

    shivanigupta New Member

    Corruption in India

    The common Man faces Corruption in India every day. Common Man considers himself lucky if he can get work done in an Indian government office without paying a bribe to Bureaucrats or Babus . Despite their simple salaries, people's representatives and bureaucrats manage a lavish lifestyle the AAM Public they are supposed to serve cannot even dream of such life. After Every few months a big india political scam comes to light - 2G scam , CWG scam and Adarsh scam being the latest. After a few Days , allegations surface of corporate houses getting undue favors from Indian politicians and bureaucrats of India.

    Time has come for us to stand united against Corrupt Politicians and Corruption in India !!

    Jai Hind !!
  10. shailender

    shailender New Member

    Whenever we want to complete any work, we want to make it immediately and don't want to delay it that is where corruption take place as corrupted officer demands for money to complete that work immediately and we are ready to give him money as we don't want to delay that work or want to complaint about the irregularity of that office. And a common man who think to complaint don't have any time as if he waste his time in making complaint, then he won't be able to earn money for his family.

    I think almost everybody must have seen Rang De Basanti, That's the right way to eradicate the corruption.
  11. National

    National New Member

    i think some people must stand up high against the corruption, like baba ram dev and anna hazare are doing.. there are many people around india who have heavy crowd following for their good deeds done. if they stand up with their support, together corruption can be eliminated for none can stand such a force.
  12. Alisha Sharma

    Alisha Sharma New Member

    Just Be HonestTo Yourself

    Simple solution this problem is that we all just be honest to our self. A least one has to start first, then why look for other to become honest.
  13. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    to eradicate corruption it is very important that we think beyond our selfish interest. We are becoming selfish day by day and give and take bribe without much thinking. Corruption can only be removed only when we think more than ourselves. Corruption starts from us and it ends on us. So it is always good to think beyond our selfish interest in order to eradicate corruption.
  14. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    Making stringent laws and enforcing them rightfully only can ensure eradication of corruption. But this can be done only at the behest of stringent laws. Merely making motivating speeches and asking people to rise against corruption wouldn't serve the purpose at all. This is because the person may be swayed by the ideologies and patriotic speeches. But when he goes back to office and has chance to earn some extra bucks, he wouldn't stand back!
  15. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    It is very tough to eradicate corruption as it has been proved time and over again that people dies but their wants never and to fulfill those wants corruption has to happen. People give and take bribe is a form of corruption. those people who lot others money no matter masses money looted by government is a form of corruption. So this thing can never be stopped!
  16. bharat

    bharat New Member

    It is very much true that corruption has become a part and parcel of everyone's life and have come across it atleast once in his life. Be it the educational institutions, government offices, for getting a job in the Government sector, whatsoever it is, to get any work done in time, it has become mandatory to bribe. It has become a matter of shame and disgrace. Jan Lokpal can prove to be an effective measure in curbing corruption provided it is passed in the Parliament. Another way to eradicate corruption is by stop bribing and lodging complaints against any one who is taking or giving bribe and severe punishment should be given for those who take as well as give bribe.
  17. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Corruption is one of the biggest curse on the nation's development and progress. People are the ones responsible for the rise of corruption in India. Everyone from politicians to bureaucrats to even low-grade employee, everyone is corrupt equally. The root cause of corruption is power is in the hands of few and democracy seems to have lost its essence. It can be eradicated only by the common people. They should stop bribing and use legal ways to get any work done. Next is there should be proper division of power.

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