How to deal with the job problem?


New Member
Indians go to UK, in aspiration of getting their dream job and settling there. But, things not always end up as happy fairy tales. Many people come with tourist visas and take upa temporary job, which most of the time fails to sustain. All those people who are not able to make a good network, have to return to India with shattered dreams.

So, whts the best way to obtain a secure job in the UK?
Have a back plan!

One should always be sure about one's job before leaving the country. Also, there should be a back plan in place so as to deal with the adverse situations.
It is not that tough to get a job in UK .. But it is tough to get a secured job there indeed.. You can get the job in any store but getting teh job security is one thing that people face there.. My friend is also facing the same problem in uk... :(
In lure of a foreign job

The foreign job market is suffering more than the job market in India. Recession has severely handicapped foreign firms. On the other hand the impact of the global rise in prices has been the least in India. Most individuals have dreams about settling abroad but few do come up with a healthy permanent well paid job. My advice is to stay back home. The Indian market is booming and there are a lot of opportunities.
How to deal with job problem?

The result of Global crisis has created a deep dent in the job market of entire world. Though market is recovering, but still there is much to do. If person dreams of moving to UK and settle there, then the best thing one can do is to opt for some course as a research scholar. This will not only give the person future job security but will support them with their initial living, because as a research scholar there are options for a person to get some stipend job for assisting professors in research.