How to cure depression

Discussion in 'Health' started by Suryavanshi, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    These days there are quite a many people who suffer from depression. Reason can be many ranging from personal life to professional life. So one might want to get rid of it as soon as possible. There are many ways to cure depression, while medication does help in curing depression but there are loads of side effects using them.

    Understanding depression is very important as this will help you to cure it effectively. The most common symptoms seen with depressed individuals are: insomnia, feeling low, lack of interest in any activities, decreased sexual desire, and low confidence levels.

    Getting rid of depression can be very complex and delicate process because if there are any mistakes there could be serious complications. There are different forms of depression and so getting to know which form you are suffering with is important. This can be done by analyzing your symptoms.

    Different forms of depression have varying symptoms. Severe forms of depression can be manifested by symptoms like insomnia, anxiety and palpitations. Major depression is the most common form of depression affecting large population. To cure these various forms of depression you can visit a doctor and have the preliminary checkup. The doctor examines you physically and mentally basing on the symptoms and also asks you to get certain diagnostic tests done. Finally you are given the medication depending upon the severity. But these medications only help in lowering the symptoms of your depression.

    The best way to cure depression is go for natural therapies seeking consult of some professional as there are no side effects in here. Changing one self’s attitude also helps in curing depression. Focusing on all the positive aspects of life and leaving behind the negatives helps you getting along life normally and thus curing the depression
    Kriti Malhotra likes this.

  2. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    today due our changing lifestyles we are bringing lots of stress towards ourselves and our families. and it is imperative that men and women tend to go into depression with this busy and hectic lifestyle. reading such posts really helps one to get away from depression and tackle it well in the hour of need. we should be more realistic and cautious in taking care of our minds.
  3. Leader

    Leader New Member

    There are many cures to depression but one of the healthiest way to beat depression is self motivation. It can be done through the person who is suffering from depression. Family and friends also help a lot in beating depression. Continuous motivation can help one overcoming from depression. it is a big mental problem that one can only beat by reading good books or doing those things which used to give them pleasure and fun!
  4. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    There are many ways to cure depression. You can take family and friends help in treating the people who suffered from depression. Self motivation as said by LeadIndia is also a great way to outrun this mental illness. People tend to do suicide and try to harm them when they are depressed and this state can come due to many reasons. you can also consult psychologists in this case.
  5. Leader

    Leader New Member

    There are many other ways to cure depression apart from the ways that you have suggested. Psychological help is indeed should be the priority but apart from this people who are suffering from depression need a best friend that guides the person on each step what to do and what not to do. In fact they are the pillar towards their recovery process. They can motivate the depressed person to grow into a new human being and leave his or her grieveiances in the past.
  6. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    One of the best way to cure depression is self motivation. People should encourage themselves to fight with the situation and motivate themselves to involve them in some other jobs to divert their mind from the issues. Self motivation is indeed considered as the best way to cure depression.
  7. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Lots of people suffer from this disease called depression and frequently wonder and search some tips and tricks to cure this disorder. While medications are not helpful in curing this disease and will not be effective way but it can be cured with the love and care of your near and dear ones. Depression isn’t like any other usual disease as well as it actually depends up on the person as well as how they deal with it. many mental disorders are and can be treated through therapies.
  8. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Depression is caused because of hyper activity of neurons in your body. This is mainly caused when neuro chemicals concentration increase and antagonizes the influx negative elements into cells. This is a developed instinct by the patient. One way you can handle neurons by meditation and other way is simple consuming antidepressants
  9. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    many people think that What is importance of yoga?Yoga is very beneficial in curing depression. You should know that yoga has gained so much of importance over the period of time. There are so many ways with which you can gain knowledge about this. It will help you gain lots of fitness and thus you can stay healthy and fit for longer duration.
  10. Economist

    Economist New Member

    Yoga is indeed the best way to cure depression and there is no denying the fact that yoga provides you healthy mind and sound body. It helps a lot in focusing things which are important in life and throwing away the useless issues of life completely. Yoga is the best way to cure depression.
  11. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    For today's life style depression is a common mental disorder in everyone. People, because of professional and personal life they get involved in many subjects. A person who seeks for medical help regarding mental disorder is a fool for sure. Mental disorders are mainly because of hyperactivity of brain, which is either explained as non sense imaginations or thoughts and ideas. To get rid of such hyperactive imaginations, people need to understand his/her mind. This is possible by meditation, yoga and self suggestion as far as I know.
  12. Economist

    Economist New Member

    The depression does not start from anywhere. There are usually life experiences that are the cause. Here is the theory I found useful in self-help treatment. It helps to deal with some repeating patterns of one’s behavior that one may not like and also it may help to find out what really causes your depression. There are 3 types of states in this theory: 1) Conscious 2) Subconscious and 3) Unconscious.
  13. arunincy

    arunincy New Member

    I think,Its better to avoid loneliness,and spending lot of time with our loved ones will hep to reduce our depression.diverting our mind by listening music playing games such as golf game can also be helpful.
  14. Ankith

    Ankith New Member

    The best way to cure depression is go for natural therapies. Change self’s attitude it helps to cure depression and Focus on all the positive aspects of your life.
  15. shinning

    shinning New Member

    Depression has become a very common health Issuer.
    this is a very Informative thread I liked it
  16. rocky24e

    rocky24e New Member

    Start practice meditation and yoga you will see the great effects.
  17. DevenKumar

    DevenKumar New Member

    I second the thought of curing depression the natural way. An incident had shattered me inside-out. Then I met a senior professional whom I now call "my dearest friend". He really helped me step out of my negative zone and experience the real happiness of life. He even suggested me to have Epic Jatamansi tablets by Prakruti JiyoFresh. They are ayurvedic medicines for depression, anxiety, insomnia and more. So, if I could not go through to him, I would have the tablets and be relieved. I hope everyone has the happiest, brightest days in their lives and ignite others to be happy as well.
  18. aroraraj

    aroraraj New Member

    "Good food" and "yoga" is the best cure of Depression. Add the Yoga in your daily routine and eat your favourite pure vegetarian food.
  19. Kritiquesays

    Kritiquesays New Member

    The biggest mistake that we commit when mentally unwell is to keep the problem up to ourselves. For fear of being judged by others, we do not tell others. In this manner we are unable to get the right treatment and the support of friends and family which is crucial for the cure.

    Chamomile tea, a tisane, also helps to fight depression.

    During depression, it is necessary to try to do activities that one enjoys doing: reading, painting or dancing.

    Most importantly, one should try to stay optimistic.
  20. Shreyy

    Shreyy New Member

    Depression can be a reason to many causes, sometimes known or even unknown. Depression however, as perceived by some, is not a determinant of your state of normalcy or abnormalcy and can be treated with the help of proper care.

    These are few tips I can think of which are capable of curing minor depression state -

    1. Yoga and exercises - Forms of physical and mental energy release.

    2. Meditation - It is a practise based on pure dedication, focus and patience. Though its hard to concentrate initially but once you start meditating regularly, none can stop you from enjoying spirituality and peace.

    3. Keep yourself busy - Books or hobbies or movies or anything that interests you, hold on to them to distract yourself from depressing thoughts.

    4. Travel - Traveling is a way of life. You get to explore not only the best of the world but the best of you. Find yourself amidst edgy situations in life.

    5. Engage in social activities - Kindness doesn't cost a thing but definitely reaps a better version of you. When you engage in such activities, you engage with people from sections different than yours. You know people, see the way they view things and have a broader vision. And doing good for such people is a means of salvation.

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