How To Control Anger: Tips To Help You Stay Calm

Discussion in 'Health' started by youthvoice, Mar 8, 2024.

  1. youthvoice

    youthvoice New Member

    What exactly is making you angry? Sometimes you are angry at person x and take it out on person Y... Or situation Z is upsetting you and you Express the anger in situation A.

    Address the main problem. Is there some way you can solve it? Or minimise it? Or ignore it?

    If you are always losing your temper, make a list of things that make you angry - some of them will make you laugh - and then address them. Sometimes you yourself are the problem.

    Cool down

    When you are angry with a person, stay away from him/her until you cool down. Then come back and talk. Right down on a piece of paper the reasons why you are angry with him/her. When you see your reasons in words, you will be able to discuss it and face it better.

    Remove destraction

    Divert your attention. Observe silence for couple of minutes. Leave the place. Listen to some music. Go up and down the stairs. Splash water on your face. Call a friend. Give yourself a reason not to lose your temper at that moment.

    Try to forget

    Always try to laugh at yourself and forget about your outbursting anger. Laugh..... Laugh as much as you can. Laughter is the best medicine to treat anger.

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