Homosexuality is Crime in India ?

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by gopal_krishna, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. gopal_krishna

    gopal_krishna New Member

    India is a spiritual land a land that has withstood the ravages of time through the power of its spirit the spirit of unity in diversity,But I believe this is just a quotation not a reality the realty of India is some thing else, The recent

    verdict of High court on homosexuality in India, is noe showing the real face of Indians, A 147 year law which should have been reformed much before we didn't do that where as the country had a large homosexual community belonging to all sections and religion. even many of them are in high positions and also in the field of Art and culture. A sovereign State must have its own laws and value system that helps the citizen to live life. in all its colours, it is a democracy we can't impose any thing on the city zens, homosexuality and homosexuals where here in India and in all society and will remain as long as human being exist on earth.Criminalizing a person only because he or she loves another man or women and want to enjoy a physical relation. is in fact a tyranny. When all the developed and developing world has accepted this fact as a part of natural diversity What is so special In Indians That we reject. To all of you I am enclosing a Letter of a Anguished Father on this Issue After reading this we need to Think, Should we really be proud to be Indian.

    regards to all gopal bhattacharjee.

    To the editor,

    Respected sir, The recent controversy on the di criminalization of gay and lesbian relation in India is getting different colours, and different shapes every day, now the sup rim court has asked the government to made it clear what this people are? I as a citizen of India I ask to every one, to the politicians , to the religious leaders, spiritual organizations, social workers , artists. Where shall I place my son?, I am 56 years with two well established sons, who are working for the progress of the country.

    Every day we chant gayatri mantra, do Pranayams and meditation, we love India as every one of you do. My younger son is a gay man he is 25 works for an advt company we have excepted him as it is and we have no problem with him and his partner, we have never found that he is abnormal or characterless as told by baba ram dev on a zeetv talk show. in any respect, Now where shall I place my son is he a criminal only because he is a homosexual, or he is a normal, I believe there are many fathers and mothers like me. Who wants a clear verdict from from the government, We must not forget that we belong to a multicultural society, where to keep every one in peace is not possible for any government but at the same time In equality is neither encouraged. If we speak of religion and mainly Indian culture it has been tolerant and open to all aspects of life, as it believes that the core of all creature is atman or the divine who is beyond this world of relativeness, every thing is god thus we should love all equally. Its my request to you that you publish this letter , so that I realize that democracy is not pseudo . regards

    Sanjeev kr bhattacharjee jadbpur kolkata.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009

  2. Qazi Rafi

    Qazi Rafi New Member

    I appreciate ur words/comments regarding homosexuality

    Fantastic thoughts/points.I highly appreciate your comments regarding homosexuality.

  3. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    Unjustified to treat them as criminals

    The homosexuals are also human being and they have the equal rights like any other people. It is unjustified to treat them as criminals or their action as criminal offence. The matter of homosexuality is not a very recent topic discussion. We get the reference of the homosexuality in different literary works of the legendary writers. The time has arrived India will accept the Homosexuality as a normal trait.
  4. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    well homosexuality cannot be given a stature of crime anywhere. it may have indecent repercussions on the society as our culture and traditions never had this idea in ages. and supporting this odd thing coming from the west can be difficult. however to the existing homosexuals treatment should be normal and they should not be ill treated.
  5. NeilDelhi

    NeilDelhi New Member

    Is it true that number of homosexuals is very high high in hotel industry, amongst models etc than the most parts of the society ???
  6. hitesh2108

    hitesh2108 New Member

    Buddhism or ancient Hinduism were nature-base cultures. The practice was responsible liberty.

    The law of India which is influenced by religions criminalizes homosexuality; however, civil liberty is the answer in the long-term.

    [ Message Moderated : Nationalism is our Religion , discussion on any other religion - not allowed ]
  7. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    it certainly is not a crime, but it is more of a social taboo as this is not from indian culture and such a thing is unwelcomed by the indian elders. in my view it should not be given lift in a country like india, but at the same time, the existing homosexuals should not be looked down in the society.
  8. National

    National New Member

    it can no way be declared as a crime. it is completely personal choice between two individuals. it is treated oddly because india never witnessed such cases previously and it the introduction of western culture in india which is causing such new cases to pop up. now that some people have taken up homosexuality, we should respect them and give them place in our society to live in peacefully
  9. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    yes i agree, that it is completely injustice to treat homosexuals in india as criminals. it is no way a crime, but a personal choice between two individuals. india never had such cases homosexuality, for these are becoming more and more rampant only with westernization and indian youth considering it to be more funky adapting the western culture. we should rather educate our youth than declaring the act as a crime.
  10. seema

    seema New Member

    Homosexuality in India prevails since ancient times and it is a condition of sexual desire and this cannot be considered as crime. It is utter injustice to treat homosexual as criminals as this is a personal choice of two individuals who are adults. Moreover, no one has control over sexual attraction. It is not necessary that everyone should have similar sexual orientation. In my view, homosexuality should be recognized in India and homosexuals should be allowed to live a normal life like others.
  11. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Homosexuality was not a crime till 1860 but it was considered as a crime latter on saying that it is against the order of the nature. How can it be against the order of the nature? Homosexuality is a sexual desire and attraction towards the same sex. It is totally a personal choice and this cannot be treated as a crime. However, Homosexuality has been recently recognized in India and is no longer considered as crime.
  12. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    Homosexuality was considered as crime in the eyes of law until sometime back. However, the Law of the land has recognized homosexuality in India. Nevertheless homosexuals are still looked down in the society and is considered as a sin. However, in my view, homosexuality is a state or condition of sexual orientation which is a gift of the nature and we humans are no one to consider it as crime or as some kind of a sin.

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