Hang Kasab

Discussion in 'Terrorism in India' started by Deche, Apr 1, 2010.

  1. Deche

    Deche New Member

    Do you think KASAB should be hanged or let go the way terrorist Afzal Guru was done??Are we Indians telling to the world that anyone who comes to attack us will be put into trial and finally LET HIM GO...giving them fair chance to come back and attack again???

  2. IReporter

    IReporter New Member

    Kasab sentenced to death

    Pakistani Terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab sentenced to death by a special court for the Mumbai terror attacks, three days after he was pronounced guilty of mass murder and waging war against the Indian state.

    The special anti-terror court of M L Tahaliyani handed down death to 22-year-old Kasab, the lone surviving 26/11 gunman, a year after the trial in the brazen attacks commenced.Kasab was given death penalty on five counts including waging war against the nation, murder, criminal conspiracy and committing terror activities.

    Asserting that Kasab's role in the attacks that traumatized the nation fell under the rarest of rare category for giving death sentence, Public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam had on Tuesday branded him as "a Pakistani killing machine" and a "heartless monster" who revelled in seeing innocent people dying in pain.

    Kasab, who hails from Fardikot in Pakistan, broke down after hearing the sentence.

    The Pioneer
  3. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    Tit for tat

    It was desired by the major portion of Indians to hang Kasab for his gruesome killings on the innocent people in several places of Bombay. These people are mere innocent and they have no idea about any thing. No one has the right to kill the innocents and who is Kasab to kill such a huge number of people. Kasab must be hanged and there are no options in front of him. He must be punished as he has killed the innocents.
  4. warrior

    warrior New Member

    The ways of terrorism in India

    India is solely responsible to the attacks that have been carried on its soil. Cross border terrorism is one of the main problems concerning India. Kasab was only a representative of it. Giving so much media hype to Kasab is only increasing the impact of his act. Hand the guy and finish off with the case. Now that the judgment is out, there should be no problem either.
  5. warrior

    warrior New Member

    There’s no better statement

    Finish off with the criminal when you still have the time. Waiting for the higher courts to pass the judgment and then the procedures of the Supreme Court is too long a wait. Why give the criminal so much importance and media hype when you know the kind of person he is. Simply finish off the job. An enemy less is some lives saved.
  6. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    Finish the matter

    Why does it make so big an issue? We all know why Kasab came and who does he represent. So why not do the right thing and deal with other important matters. Have we taken the responsibility of taking care of Kasab, feeding him and see to his security? He is an enemy of the state and finished as soon as possible. Enough time and money have been lost.
  7. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member


    Yes, the terrorist should definitely be hanged to death. Why is his trial still going on? It was just three days after the attack that he was found guilty of the crime.

    Indian government should definitely hang him to death because this will surely teach terrorists that India is in no ways scared of them. And if anyone will try to target us, he also has to lose his life.

    So, don't try to mess with Indians!

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