Green Technology in India

Discussion in 'Technology' started by warrior, May 7, 2011.

  1. warrior

    warrior New Member

    To actually view and gauge the benefits and future of Green technology, it is important to first understand the core definition of the term. Green technology is basically the application of the environmental sciences to preserve the natural environment and resources. It is applied to ensure the mitigation of the negative effects of human involvement in the environment. It has also been coined as “environmental technology” and clean technology or cleantech, in many literary resources. However, one may say that clean technology is still struggling its way into the market that is heavenly dominated by products and services that do not take seriously the aspect of saving the environment.

    The present scenario of Green Technology in India

    It would be wrong to state that clean technology is a fresh thing. Not only the awareness about clean tech has reached people, the understanding of saving the dire state the planet has also been infused within the society. Various campaigns and promotions have been conducted by numerous ‘environment saving societies’ from time to time to inform people about its significance and importance to humankind. The continuous efforts have successfully resulted in the delegation of enormous resources to the research and development of cleaner technologies which eventually boosts the anticipation for much better advancements on the mentioned field.

    The Prime Concern of Green Technology

    For many environment activists, clean Technology is the future of mankind since human beings cannot survive with the continuous use of dangerous technologies that are capable of causing lethal effects on the environment and almost kind of living organism that supported by mother earth for sustenance. Environmental technology is making efforts to change or improve the current technology to make it environment- friendly and save it from creating adverse effects on the planet. However, at the same, time, it is ensured that the new green technology offers the same amount of productivity, efficiency and satisfaction. For instance, the use of petrol should be converted to the use of CNG. Like such, various smart technologies have been introduced in a great number of industries to make Earth a much better and healthy planet to live on.

    Key areas for green techies

    Energy : The traditional forms of energy productions such as coal and oil produce massive air pollution when combusted or extracted for energy. Air pollution then leads to global warming which is the primary concern for environmentalists. Hence for people working for green technology the issue of environment friendly energy generation remains at the top.

    Heating and cooling systems : Green activists are consistently making efforts to find ways to design buildings that keep it self cool during the day and relatively ward in the nights. The idea is to successfully drop or just eradicate the requirement for heating as well as cooling systems.

    Nanotechnology : Green technology works to create and render innovations that have the ability to amalgamate green principles to nanotechnology.

    Chemicals : They are also looking for chemical products that can potentially help in the reduction of proper elimination of the current destruction elements present in the environment for example as oil spills.

  2. R2India

    R2India New Member

    india is a developing nation and yet has time to take up such efficient technologies. the problem before a country like india to adopt greener technologies is that we are still developing and we have to put our economic growth at stake to put green technology into use. the reason being green technology requires high funding and little sacrifices.
  3. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Technology can be defined in many ways. one of the easiest ways is the knowledge of how the techniques and tools are used to enhance the working situations, artistic perspective and organizational management in order to develop the effectiveness of the product, human efforts and machine. Primary man is well known for extra ordinary use of stones to change in to the shelter houses ad weapons. The use of bark trees and animal skin for covering the bodies was few steps towards materialistic technology. Now people have industrial, information, visual, nano, domestic, medical, educational and micro technology just to mention a few. for green technology the one main thing which is required is huge funds.
  4. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    world is moving towards the greener technology, keeping in mind the threat existing to our environment due to our existing conventional technology. there has been extensive damage to our environment due to old generation technology and now it is time even we shift to greener technology. for example, use of computers instead of papers, use of CNG or electricity powered vehicles instead of petrol or diesel, use of nuclear energy instead of coal, and so forth.
  5. Student

    Student New Member

    Greener technology is the most sought word these days! We are heading towards a tomorrow which will give us tough times due to the environmental damage we are contributing. Therefore we need a greener technology which can sustain in the future without degrading our environment. Most sought areas under greener technology are Automobiles and Power production.
  6. IamanINDIAN

    IamanINDIAN New Member

    One of the key areas to carry out research would be alternative fuels to generate energy. India still majorly relies on petrol, coal and diesel as source of energy. We can increase the areas for Wind mills, tidal turbines along the coastline which would significantly increase the energy capacity of India. Today, we face not only energy crisis but also challenges of future in the perspective of greener energy.
  7. kiranmdk

    kiranmdk New Member

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