In the latest gender gap index report released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) India keeps company with the worst in the world. Among the 128 countries that have been evaluated by the WEF India ranked 114 followed among others by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Chad and Yemen. India is still widely a patriarchal and feudal society. Families often snuff out the lives of girl children before or instantly after they are born.
The gender gap in India would continue to prevail unless people of India try to understand the importance of female in this male dominant society. The Female foeticides must be curbed at once by keeping a check at the hospitals and along with this people must be educated with the importance of having a female child.
Gender gap is a major hiderence in the progress of the nation. It is perevlant in India since olden times. India has patriarchal society and has dominated the women folk in all ways. All the crimes that are frequently happening against women should be protested and stoped. All social stigmas should be erassed off and the Govenment should becme more vigilant about it. Women should be given the due respect and provided the same social status as that of men.
Even in this 21st century, gender discrimination still prevails. India being a patriarchal society, females have been dominated by the males since ages. Although the scenario has changed today to a great extent, allowing women to move out of their houses and work outside whereas in earlier time women were confined within the four walls of the house, yet the gap between male and female still continues to prevail. People should work towards ending this discrimination and women should be treat at par with men.
Gender gap is still prevalent in India even in this age of modernization. India still has a feudal and patriarchal society and in many parts of our country particularly in UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab women are repeatedly treated as a material object and not as human beings with blood and soul. the sex-ratio in states of Haryana, Bihar and Punjab, especially is most twisted because people very often kill the girl children before or instantly after they are born. In many parts of India women are still believed to be an economic liability regardless of their contribution to our society and economy in many ways.
Even after modernization has touched the land but still gender gap exists in India. This is mainly due to lack of proper education and ignorance that still prevails especially in the rural areas. Gender Gap can only be filled by educating the people. It will also be possible be changing the present condition of the Indian society and by letting people understand the importance of girl child.