Gandhiji had written and spoken much about the status of women. Gandhiji’s writings clearly reveal that he was not satisfied with the status accorded to the women in India during his time. Gandhiji had praised Raja Ram Mohan Roy for what had done for the cause of women. In fact, Gandhiji decided to continue the work of Ram Mohan Roy in elevating the status of women in India. Gandhiji was of opinion that there should not be any difference between men and women. He was quoting the examples of Brahmavadinis of the Vedic and the Upanishadics periods such as Gargi, Nivavari, Maitreye, Lopa Mudra, Indrani and others to highlight the intellectual freedom enjoyed by the early women of India. He also cited the examples of the modern European women like Anne Besant, Florence Nightingale, Nivediyta to point out the heights that women could reach in the modern world. Gandhiji was of the opinion that the women should never be given inferior or a secondary position. He was opposed to the view that women are Weaker. According to him, it is a sin to call them so; it is an injustice perpetrated on them by men. Women have courage, confidence, patience and dedication. Men cannot do anything without the help and support of women. Gandhiji was of opinion that men and women should be treated equally and should get equal remuneration for equal work. According to him, it is not necessary for the women to imitate men and to do the tasks of men. He desired the utmost freedom dot women and favored their Right to Vote and equal legal status. Gandhiji worked a lot to obtain the active participation of a large number of women in the Indian Freedom struggle. He believed that freedom movement would become a success only with the participation of women on a mass scale. He absolutely believed that in order to make ourselves fit for the true ‘Swaraaj’, men must cultivate greater respect or women and their purity. Gandhiji was a strong supporter of female’s education. He felt that education is of equal importance for both men and women. Educated men and women, husband and wife can understand and support one another. No women can grow to her full capacity without education. Denial of educational opportunities for women virtually caused the downfall of Indian women, according to him.