Future of Mobile Phones in India

Discussion in 'Mobiles' started by warrior, May 15, 2011.

  1. warrior

    warrior New Member

    In India, the one smart gadget that would be available in almost every house is mobile. A thing which was entirely unknown to the country around decade and half years ago has become impressively ubiquitous today. The populace of India has gigantically accepted the arrival of mobile phones and made it an integral part of its life. In these years, India has witnessed a great transformation in the mobile industry. From days when the call charges used to be Rs 32.80 to the present day when it is just one paisa per minute, India has seen it all. Naturally, the graphs shows and represents striking past of mobiles phones and promises even more astonishing future of mobile phones in India.

    The changing trends

    In order to actually gauge the future of mobile phones in India, one should see its glorious past in India. It is important to study that how substantially the country saw, accepted and then also contributed to the mobile industry. In the present scenarios, India hosts some very big names in the mobile phones as well as mobile phones network companies. Along with mobile phone sets, the prices of mobile network charges have also decreased significantly. This in turn has boosted the demand for added mobile services that primarily includes stock market quotes, emails, cricket info, jokes and astrology services. The consistent addition to such services signals influential future of mobile phones & Mobile Broadband in India.

    Mobile advertising boosts the future of mobile phones in India

    Nowadays, a lot of mobiles phones network companies have started to work fanatically on the idea of advertising. In fact, it would not be completely wrong to state that in the contemporary marketing world, mobile advertising has materialized as an essential division of any brand’s marketing campaign. Mobiles serve as an extremely significant engagement tool for brands. Veterans of the marketing industry believe that mobiles have successfully bridge the gap that existed between the masses and the traditional media sources such as radio, television and print. It has been estimated that in India, over 500 million people use mobile phones and thereby, the marketers get the massive opportunity to connect with the masses in an economically smart manner. This renders a gigantic deal of opportunities for content and service providers to raise mobile value added services (mVAS) revenues from this promising market.

    3G Technology promises advanced future of mobile phones in India

    Now that 3G has made its magnificent entry in the country, people expect the future of mobile phones in India to flourish more rapidly. Advertisers strongly believe that the arrival of 3G will significantly boost the scope o MVAs. Studies have proved that mobile infiltration is much higher than PC penetration in India and hence, 3G has been anticipated to impel the unification of mobile and Internet platforms. It is interesting to know that impressive augment in online distribution and utilization of user generated content has been recorded in the recent year. One may easily gauge the origin of such anticipations, with the growing popularity of various social media applications including facebook, Twitter, Orkut, and YouTube. Future of Internet and Mobile Phones in India is Bright. As improved bandwidth is rendered with the beginning of 3G and technological advancements are made in networks, platforms and end user devices to motivate further demands, the development is also expected to be observed in the mobile space.

  2. R2India

    R2India New Member

    the mobile phone industry is increasing in india. there are number of indian mobile phone companies being set up to launch mobiles for cheaper rates utilizing the indian resources. even the mobile users are increasing day by day as the gadget is becoming cheaper and made available at decent price. and it is known that many use more than one mobile.. such is the rising trend of mobile phones in india
  3. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Mobile phones are becoming todays generations necessity. The future of mobile phones in india is talking new heights by the advent of 3G and 4G technologies. people are nowadays able to access internet in their mobiles and that too at low costs. The mobile phones importance can be felt only by the person who is using it and living far from their loved ones.
  4. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Mobile phones future is always high in India. But the problem with mobile phone is health problem. Mobile phones cause defects like mental disorders and reproductive disorders. If mobile company takes care of less effect on users then it will be very much better than past. With out concerning of those defects it foolish to upgrade 2G to 3G to 4G
  5. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Whatever mobile phones causes is just for a time being people show their concern but later on they forget every health issue related to the mobile phones. mobiles have become the necessity of people in today's like and they cannot do without the later. so they have to knowingly and unknowing ignore the side effects of the use of mobile phones.
  6. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    @LI you should remember what happened with plastic today. Plastic bags are no where in market today. I feel like if these health issues are not settling down then one day mobiles are also supposed to face the same situation. Now a day’s people are using two mobiles in their pocket. Whenever I see those people I imagine his body degradation due to radiations
  7. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    Mobile phones are the necessity of today's time. The most important these days in gadgets is nothing but a mobile. Even a rikshawala has a mobile phone with them. It is indeed the most important part of people's life these days as many people uses mobile phones and the use of dot phone or land line phones are becoming less. The easy accessibility of these mobiles and network is the main reason of the popularity of these mobile phones in india. You can buy cheap rates mobile phones as well as high range they are available for everyone and in all ranges.
  8. Economist

    Economist New Member

    Indian market of mobile is getting high day by day. The demand of mobile phones are increasing at rapid speed and people usually have 2 phones at a time in their hand due to the changing schemes all the time. Mobiles have become the need of people these days, they are not just a phone in fact it has somewhat becomes a life line of people without which they cannot imagine their life and feel helpless. In such situation the use, demand and supply of mobile phones has to increase and it will go up in near future as well.
  9. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    There is no doubt that mobile phones are very necessary in today’s time as it has many advantages but I strongly believe that there's no need of increase of mobile phones in India. Though I have talked a lot about the use age of mobile phones in India and its future indeed is bright but as everything has its pros and cons so the disadvantages caused by mobiles phones are higher than advantages. People are now using mobile phones as a fancy item or as an entertainment item. Most of the Indian teens and youngsters are using mobile phones to chit chat with their friends. Mobile phones should be used by those where it is very necessary.
  10. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    Mobile phone users are growing by large numbers in india. Even the rural section of people use mobile phones these days due to availability of handsets at cheaper rates. mobile phones in india have seen a drastic evolution with people becoming tech-savvy about the handsets. In future the prices are ought to reduce more due to heavy competition between firms.
  11. Economist

    Economist New Member

    Every now and then the technology is increasing and hence the price is rising high of the brand new mobiles that has the new technology, it is a different thing that price goes down after few months but the price of each brand new mobile with a single or multiple technology development will give a hike to prices of mobiles in india.
  12. Student

    Student New Member

    Mobiles in India will continue to cater the needs of people since they are becoming only cheaper and more in variety. People in India are crazy about mobiles and i think this applies to everybody in the world to an extent. Since the population is increasing and each person is found to own more than one handset, the future seems to be quite bright to me.
  13. IamanINDIAN

    IamanINDIAN New Member

    I find the future of mobile phones in India very bright. People look out for gadgets which are smaller and compact. And with advancement in technology we are getting mobile phones which can perform the tasks of a computer. What more is needed? Things would change when there would more people online via mobile phones than from Internet.
  14. kiranmdk

    kiranmdk New Member

    There is no future without mobile phones. It has become the basic necessity for each and everyone in this world.
  15. bharat

    bharat New Member

    The mobile phone industry is booming in India with an increase in mobile phone users. Using high-tech Mobile phones have now become a style statement. Mobile phones today, comes with advanced technology like 3G and Airtel has also launched 4G technology which is more advanced than 3G technology. However, with people becoming more user-friendly with mobile phones and as it is now available at a much cheaper rate than before, the use of mobile phone is increasing even in the rural areas and thus the future of mobile phones seems to be bright.
  16. youthens

    youthens New Member

    India has captured the 3rd largest position in the World after US and China in the telecom sector. With the advent of mobile phones, the telecom sector has boomed in India and the future of mobile phones seems to be very bright as it is being used by most of the people. Mobile phones have enabled people to stay in touch with each other and also has increased reachability. This proves that mobile phones have a bright future in India.

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