Future of Internet in India

Discussion in 'Technology' started by warrior, May 12, 2011.

  1. warrior

    warrior New Member

    In India, the advent of Internet has been described as nothing less than a boon. It is an extremely smart advantage that facilitated the country to abridge its operations, work efficiently and flawlessly, maintain right records and mostly importantly save time. In addition, Internet has awarded the country with humongous global reach and the most incredible rate of employment. Today, it would be difficult to find out a single industry or market that is able to function properly without the help of Internet. For a country that is eminent for its second highest count of population, Internet has come as the biggest benefit. Definitely the future of Internet in India is huge and glorious.

    The effect of Internet on Employment

    Earlier when Internet came into the country around over two decades ago, people thought that the technology would throw out a great number of people of jobs. However, thankfully, the experts were there to view and gauge the advantage that it will empower the nation with. Today, internet has not only offered a good number of jobs but a great number of industries as well. Various sectors such IT, digital marketing, money exchange, BPO, KPO and many more are functioning and earning massive revenues for the nation, only because of the internet. Internet has not only simplified and accelerated the processes but also made them error-free.

    The humongous use of internet

    Internet has an extremely vital part of every office, company, enterprise and market in India. Be it a small scale industry or a start-up company, none could function without the substantial support of internet. Various major industries such as promotion and advertising, public relations, Information technology, telecom, money transfer companies and more are performing solely on the shoulders of Internet. Every government office in the country is using internet to share data, maintain records, provide information, and register feedbacks and more. Hence, now that the country has exponentially adapted the benefit or use of Internet in almost every aspect, the future of internet In India seems extremely yielding.

    Past promises the strong Future of internet in India

    Internet has played an extremely vital role in making India earn its global reputation. The outstanding efforts of Indian IT sector and outsourcing companies have made the nation a profitable investment or most foreign countries. Today, most western nations view India as a tremendously important part of market and this has become possible only due to the globalization of the country on the basis of Internet. If the country has gained from Internet massively, it has also contributed extensively to its growth and overall development both in terms of technology and market.

    The introduction of 3G Technology strengthens the future of internet in India

    With the coming of 3G, having internet services functioning quite seamlessly on the mobile phones has become possible and feasible. Right from having social media tools such as YouTube, Flickr, Orkut, FaceBook, twitter and emails to live new, horoscopes, cricket info, everything can be accessed through the mobile phones now. Earlier, if internet usage was somehow held back due to the low PC infiltration, now with mobile phones internet services, even that barrier has been crossed successfully. Hence, one may clearly see that the coming of mobile phones and the 3G technology further boost the future of internet in India.

    India let's Discuss the Bright and Influential Future of Internet Technology in India.

  2. R2India

    R2India New Member

    india has a very bright future with the internet users soaring sky high. people are using more and more internet. these days even mobile phones support internet and so internet is being accessed largely at increasing rate. the 3G tech is yet to reach people at normal rates. but the technology offers much faster access to the internet.
  3. Leader

    Leader New Member

    the future of internet in india is indeed glowing and will keep on giving much significant things to the people not only in india but around the world. Children, youngsters and old aged people all are using internet as it has become today's generation's necessity. Whether in school, medical, IT sector or anywhere Internet is highly used. so the future of internet is indeed great in india.
  4. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    The future of internet in india is quite good and high. most of the work done today in many fields like hospitals, schools, colleges and several industries are done by the help of internet. Media houses, schools and colleges take help of net all the time as they want to get connected to the world in all the ways as well as they get all the information they want through online websites.
  5. National

    National New Member

    india is utilizing internet slowly in every field these days. the indian railways have made bookings online which was not like this before.. the cinema theatres also have online booking system these days.. and more over, the information technology has also come up providing people with online and 24x7 services with the use of internet. even business is growing day by day with use of internet..
  6. Leader

    Leader New Member

    By the advent of latest 3G and 5G services the popularity of internet has become indispensable and people want to stay connected to internet 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The future of internet is undoubtedly becoming more important and vital as all the work these days whether in office or at home depends on the net connection.
  7. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    The use of internet is indispensable in todays life and it has now become the necessity of todays generation. People work through net connection and in fact the bookings of every thing such as cinema tickets, railway tickets, plane tickets are all done online. It is a good source f earning money while sitting at home. SO the future of internet in india is undoubtedly important and bright.
  8. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Though internet is becoming indispensable these days but the use of Internet by the people is done mainly to check their mails and social networking websites such as orkut, twitter and Facebook. They use the net to do their personal work but the people who are at the age of 15 till 28 usually use to have fun! They are more involved in to chatting and having fun with friends and dating that commonly turns in to the bad addiction.
  9. livelyfire

    livelyfire New Member

    The internet in India is now used at almost every place. Every business is now heavily dependent on internet. Even they need internet in optimizing the office space and tracking their assets. Every paper documents is now converting into computer database which offers them high safety and flexibility.
  10. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Internet has been an evolution in India from last ten years
    Its really very nice that we Indians are very aware of networking
    being a developing country. But this internet evolution led a great
    impact in young in India as well as in older Indians. The main thing
    to discuss about internet use, what kind of impact this networking
    made on our country
    The future of internet is going to be useful for young generation,
    no more classes are required for kids to learn as they can follow easy
    subscription to any study site,
    The old Indians enjoy their time on internet, while house wife can
    earn pretty good money sitting in home. This internet is like a
    steering boat, everyone can access internet but very few are going for
    good use of internet.

    For example, most of the high school kids are
    addicted to pornography and we can them as abuse to pornography which
    ultimately leads to the insanity in our country.
  11. livelyfire

    livelyfire New Member

    Convinced. I think internet for kids should be under parental guidance and parents should have a firewall for restricting the porn sites. Internet has become one of the important part of business now. In India, internet yet has to be popular in many small cities and country area.

    Govt needs to take some steps in making internet popular in almost all part of the country.

  12. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    The future of internet in india is indeed bright and a must have thing for everyone. Internet is used by people who are in college, office jobs, house wives as well as children who are studying in schools. The future of internet is quite wide and everything works on net. People uses it to gather information and do their work. THey can find out the solution of everything they need on net. One of the most important use of net is indeed the information that you want on just anything as this is the best source of information but people uses the net mostly to stay connected with people far from them. Social networking websites are becoming popular and so is the use of net.
  13. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    Internet users in india are growing at a good pace. Most of the youth use internet these days for social networking and likewise the use of other internet services such as news reading, education, online banking, gaming, etc is also increasing. In future almost every home is expected to have internet, which incase happens, india would be one of the largest internet user.
  14. Economist

    Economist New Member

    Internet has now become the important part of everyone's life. Internet use is indispensable these days as it helps in getting work done in few seconds that takes almost a day if done without net. Internet has its own pros and cons and should be used when the right age comes. Children should not be given much net to use by the parents as many children misuses net. The importance of internet is indeed is incomparable in india.
  15. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    Perception is important when we speak about internet in India. Internet has some good means and also bad usages. The point lies behind the idea that how we are going to use internet service. Before the advent of internet services in India students used to study old text books to gain their knowledge, but now a day's generation prefers online journals for their studies. This is one of the best advantages from internet usage.
  16. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    Internet is a highly developing subject in India. Recently gas bookings are made online, which would be very helpful for people who struggle a lot either in gas agency or on call waiting to book a gas cylinder. I was dreaming for a day when I will be able to attend my college classes via online video chat.
  17. culture

    culture New Member

    Internet users are growing at a great pace and with Quality and economic services like that of BSNL and MTNL, people are opting for Internet services along with Telephone services. India is becoming a hub for Internet users like China and after Internet services are extended to the rural areas significant changes can be brought in our country.
  18. bharat

    bharat New Member

    The use of Internet is gaining popularity among people of all ages as it offers information as well as helps in remaining connected with the world especially friends and relatives. This depicts that the future of Internet is bright in India. However, like any other technology, Internet also comes with certain demerits but its extreme usefulness has overtaken its demerits.
  19. anderson123

    anderson123 New Member

    Hello Friends,

    Firstly we know what is internet ? and first necessary to understand the differences between the Internet and the World Wide Web(WWW)—terms that are often used interchangeably. The Internet is the physical layer or network made up of switches, routers, and other equipment. Its primary function is to transport information from one point to another quickly, reliably, and securely. The web, on the other hand, is an application layer that operates on top of the Internet. Its primary role is to provide an interface that makes the information flowing across the Internet usable. The Future of Internet in India is bright, because internet use in each department like Railway, Airline, Industries, Business etc.
  20. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Internet has enabled people to remain connected with friends,relatives and World as a whole. It also enables people to get information about anything and everything they want to know and thus the use of Internet is increasing day by day and has reached even the rural areas of India. Every work in Government offices are done through internet and seeing all these, internet in India has a bright future.

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