Festival, Mahavir Jayanti

Discussion in 'Festivals' started by traveller, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Mahavir Jayanti is a religious festival of the Jains, celebrated to mark the birthday of Lord Mahavir, the last Tirthankara of Jains. According to the Georgian calendar, his birthday generally falls in the month of April and on the month of Chaitra of the Hindu calendar. This festival is celebrated with zest and fervour through out the nation as well as in different parts of the Globe, wherever there is a Jain community resides.

    About Lord Mahavir
    Lord Mahavir was born on the 13th day of the rising moon in the month of Chiatra of the Hindu calendar in 599 BCE. He was born as a prince to the king Siddartha and Queen Trisala of Vaishali (Bihar) and they named their son Vardhaman. It is said that his mother had 14 dreams during her pregnancy and when she told the dreams to an astrologer, he interpreted that the baby that will be born will either be a great emperor or he will be a Tirthankara, a person who attains spiritual enlightenment. The interpretation of the astrologer came true and he became the 24th and the last Tirthankara.

    Vardhaman lived a luxurious life of a prince until the age of 30, when he relinquished the throne as well as his family in the quest of spirituality. However, at a very tender age, he developed a keen interest in the crux of Jainism. He spent twelve long years in frugal life by meditating and preaching non-violence. During this period of ascetic, he learned to control his senses and owing to this reason, he was called Mahavir. He continues his severe atonement until he attained insight. He spent the rest of his life preaching the truth of spiritual liberation. He is considered to be one of the greatest prophets who preached peace and taught the World the actual meaning of “Unity of Life”. He carried out social reforms that were very much needed in the society. He preached Jain philosophy and became the founder of the Jain religion.

    Significance of Mahavir Jayanti
    Mahavir Jayanti is one of the most auspicious festivals of the Jain community, celebrated to commemorate the birth of one of greatest prophets of all time Lord Vardhaman Mahavir. He preached Jain philosophy, which strongly believed in non-violence and believed that all living creature are equal. He is an epitome of sacrifice and peace, who lived a frugal life and renounced his life of immense luxury and followed the path of spirituality.

    Celebration of Mahavir Jayanti
    On this auspicious festival, all the people from the Jain community visit the different Jain temples that are being established in various parts of the World. When Vardhaman was born, according to the chronicles of mythology, Indra , the God-King came down to earth and bathed the little new born baby with celestial milk himself and this ritual itself marked him as a Tirthankara. In order to commemorate this, a ceremonial bath of the statues of Mahavir in the temples, known as “abhisekh” is performed. The follower decorate the Jain temples with flags and is celebrated it huge enthusiasm. On this occasion, sermons are held to preach the philosophy that was coined by Lord Mahavir. A royal chariot procession with the idol of Lord Mahavir is taken out by the devotees while chanting prayers. On this day, traditional dishes are prepared. Another important facet of Mahavir Jayanti is that the devotees collect donations with the view to promote charity and carry out missions like preventing slaughtering of cows and other animals as well as helping the poor section of the society by giving them food and clothing.

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