Fasting A Vital Activity For The Human Body

Discussion in 'Culture' started by Woman, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. Woman

    Woman New Member

    Fasting has played a very significant role in the Indian Culture because it has not many benefits attached to it. Since ages Indian saints, yogis and spiritual masters have advocated the practice of fasting to the human race. We should feel proud of the grand legacy of knowledge that our saints have had left for us, fasting according to them has the spiritual as well as biological/physical significance for the human beings.

    The person who follows the practice of fasting experiences and realizes the benefits in reality. fasting does not only mean to, not to eat food but it rather means to cultivate a power of control over the human urges to eat, taste, experience and relish. Practice of fasting helps in developing a control over all the five senses and not only over the tongue. Saints and yogis prescribe that when a person follows the practice of fasting it means that the person is actually trying to put a halt on his/her unnecessary wants, desires and urges. It is not only about not eating food but it is also about not serving the negative thoughts, wrong actions, wasteful desires.

    When we see the Hindi word for fasting it is; "Upavaas" that means to be present near the God. That is why while fasting one is prescribed to think, do and act only the good and positive the more the person gets habitual of fasting the more power of control he/she would develop. Eating only fruits and vegetable during the fasting is strictly prescribed because it helps to maintain the purity and also helps the body to detox easily. scientifically also, fasting is a beneficial process for the person because it encourages the man to give a break to his digestive system, eating junk and unhealthy food has become a trend these days and if the person follows fasting at least once a week it certainly helps to get rid of the toxins which have been accumulating within the body.
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