Fashion ruining the dignity of Indian women

Discussion in 'Working Women' started by Sunirmal Ray, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. Sunirmal Ray

    Sunirmal Ray New Member

    I am among some of the boys who want to see women with respect. The modern Indian women must get the respect they deserve. Now the ''open fashioned girls'' are ignoring that their dignity is being buried with every one staring at them. ''Looking beneath... up and down!!!'' Modernity requires new application of ideas and thoughts but not in this manner.

    I always question myself ''why this beautiful women are racing blindly with fashion and forgetting their own dignity and self esteem?'' I am not against fashion, but what I mean is ethics matters too. They add charisma to your personality.

    Please take this positively, my intention is not to hurt anyone but express something which I feel is valuable.

    Preserve your precious assets for some one who deserves them. Don't just through them.

    I welcome comments.
    Swayamsewak likes this.

  2. IndianGuy

    IndianGuy New Member

    My dear friend, if you want to respect a woman, you can always do that and it should NOT at all depend on the way she behaves, dresses, thinks and what kind of life she leads, provided she is not a criminal. It should be the same for men too. She is just another human being like you.
  3. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    The last time I checked, we still have 6 fundamental rights intact. And, moreover we have a democratically elected Government in place, and not the Taliban ruling us. Fashion ruining the dignity of Indian women? Get a life eh!
  4. Indian

    Indian New Member

    You are offending the sentiments of a lot of females by saying all this. In today's world such MCP's are just not acceptable. You should open up your mind a lil bit. Don't be such an adultersted part of the society who just keeps supressing females.........
  5. Kr1shn4

    Kr1shn4 New Member

    To some extent

    Its a wondeful fact that Indian women are becoming concious of the fadhion trends. But, at the same time since it comes as a kind of cultural shock to their already prevailing thoughts and ideas... they arent able to adapt it well due to lack of knowledge and often cross the thin line between decency and vulgarity and fall in the later. :(
  6. Indian_Girl

    Indian_Girl New Member

    Fashion is an expression

    This is an easy way to blame women for everything that goes wrong..Although i totally agree that 'some' women have been too indecent and have been wearing very suggestive clothes, one cannnot say that fashion is ruining the dignity of Indian women. Dignity has to do more with mannerism and values, rather than clothes. Secondly , why women have been target here for their clothes? Why don't we raise questions on lusty men who have been influenced by so called 'western culture'. A mere case off gender discrimination again.
  7. Desi

    Desi New Member

    Few times it does

    It does not affect the dignity of women if the fashion and trend is to be followed with dignity. If the excess of revealing clothes are worn by girls then it may affect the respect of the women.
  8. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    And who decides that? Us 'Men' or them 'Women' on what type of fashion should they follow?:rolleyes:
  9. tigerwoods

    tigerwoods New Member

    YEs to some extent we can say that Fashion is ruining the dignity of the Indian Women.. but this statement is not wholly correct.. its partially true.. no matter when you wear designer brands it willdestroy your dignity.. women can maintain their dignity in the western designer lables as well..

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