False promises of educational Institutes

Discussion in 'Education' started by pagal-guy, May 20, 2010.

  1. pagal-guy

    pagal-guy New Member

    Education has become a flourishing business.Some people rightly said couple years back, “Education is the only industry that does not have any effect of economic recession.

    Some people have made education a business in India.

    They create Gimmick through media. They advertise that admission to their institute means offer of lucrative salary. But in most of the cases, it does not happen. It’s true in case of some prestigious institutes of our country. but some ordinary institutes take undue advantage of this popularity.They claim themselves as beyond such prestigious institute. Sometime they also manipulate the survey conducted by some magazines or newspapers.

    False success story of the students are published in the newspapers. In many cases, they bribe successful students to say that they studied in their institutes.

    As PR exercise, they also pay the media to write in favor of such institutes.

    Some such institutes are also targeting the remote areas where people don’t have much knowledge about education in the major cities.The institutes are fooling the people.Indian parents spend their hard-earned expecting a bright career for their children. And at the end of the education they understand the reality.There are also some instances, where the students commit suicides.

  2. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    this is much more prevalent these days, mostly affecting the remote areas where people are innocent. educational institutes make false promises during the time of admissions but later on do not stand by what they promise. this is done via advertisements showing bright, luxurious classrooms which are actually "hypothetically existing in that respective institute". media should be more helpful to curb such things.
  3. youthens

    youthens New Member

    It is true that there are several institutions coming up today that makes false promises and many people have fallen victims of such fake promises. Many of the educational institutions promises to offer excellent education with all the modern facilities, amazing libraries and what not but the reality comes out after taking admission. This needs to be stopped as it is also ruining and staining our education system.
  4. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    Educational institutes have turned out be a profit making business and they are more interested in earning money rather than providing quality education. Many private educational institutes have come up that makes promises of providing the best education with all modern amenities and hi-tech classrooms but it is seen that they lack even proper infrastructure. These false promises have seen to be increasing in our country and Government should take steps to stop it as it is ruining our whole education system.

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