European Union Appeal To India

Discussion in 'Foreign Relations' started by nehad, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. nehad

    nehad New Member

    Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, whose country also holds the rotating EU presidency, urged India to cut down on its carbon emissions during India-EU summit earlier this month. The Swedish call has come ahead of an important Climate change Summit to be held in Copenhagen next month to replace Kyoto protocol. The question is that when the EU is neither able to convince the US, one of the major polluters in the world, to cut down its carbon emission nor is it able to convince its member nations to contribute money to fight climate change, how could it expect developing nations to cut down the carbon emission and take other appropriate actions. Although it is for the benefit of all and every nation shares an equal responsibility, is it not a responsibility of the developed nations to take a lead?

    Why there has been a mounting Pressure on India and China, while there is no fuss over the action taken by other leading nations?

  2. Trendster

    Trendster New Member

    Indian population is about 1/6 of the world's population, and it's carbon emission are much less as compared to other small (developed) countries. They say that the traditional cooking, etc methods in almost all Indian rural areas emit a lot of smoke that remains in the first layer of the atmosphere. Though, Indian Government should regulate Industries for future.

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