Essential aspect of Rural Development in India

Discussion in 'India' started by Campus, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    Programs of rural development should necessarily satisfy certain conditions such as :

    a). Agricultural development is the most significant aspect of rural development, hence it is necessary to give the highest importance to agricultural development that can be ensured through the mechanization of agriculture, consolidation of land holdings, effective implementations of land reforms, the use of good varieties of seeds, adequate fertilizers, pesticides, adequate supply of water, proper crop planning, proper harvesting and so on.

    b). Rural development must necessarily include proper plans to change the socioeconomic structure of the rural set-up, that refers to changes in the socioeconomic institution. This will ensure maximization and equitable distribution of income among rural people.

    c). Rural development programs must be politically independent, political interference through political parties and leaders are going to spoil the very purpose of the program.

    d). It is essential that all the rural development programs must have a cooperative orientation. Co-operation seems to be a powerful instrument of uplifting the poorer sections of the rural society.

    e). No program should be imposed forcibly on the ruralites. The programs should always be framed on the basis of the felt need of the people. Further, rural people must be motivated properly to take an active participation in the programs. In this respect the honest and respected leaders of the rural areas would be able to come forward and give proper guidance to the masses.

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