Enable and Empower the Special Ones to Access the Future

Discussion in 'India' started by Greatest, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    Disability is a limitation for a person but still a disabled person is considered to have unusual potential and caliber. In India there are approximate 40 to 80 million people who are living with some form of disability. Persons with disabilities however given privileges, facilities and reserved seats in education, social system and employment but to what extent are these privileges being utilized, and how much well the potential of the disabled person is employed as the contribution to the development process of the country? The basic social ideology towards the disabled persons is that they are less competent and dependent. But the fact is just the opposite. Because of the their disabilities those persons are usually excluded from the mainstream activities and that is why their potential remains under utilized or generally idle.

    Persons with disabilities have to face many barriers in their way to success and growth but it is also noteworthy that the potential of the disabled person can bestow a positive impact on the society. Unfortunately persons with disabilities in India have been a part of many social discrimination, unequal access to opportunities and facilities. Society cannot exclude this significant section of the country but should make major modifications and actually helping the disabled person in availing the opportunities and working in a safer and healthy atmosphere.

    Technology should also be accompanied while making the things easier for disabled persons at the workplace and even at the education level. Society needs to remove the mental as well as physical barriers for the disabled person, it needs to increase the accessibility for them so that they can also contribute their special talents and skills in the development of the country. Disability is not a hindrance it is just a small limitation that can be handled well with the support of the family and other people of the society.

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