Empowered minds will empower the country

Discussion in 'India' started by Woman, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. Woman

    Woman New Member

    Education is a quintessential element of life, without the same one cannot think of becoming mature, sensible and wise. Education only, imparts knowledge and makes a person enlightened only an educated person is able to think wisely about the growth and development of the country. In the last recent years we have observed that people are getting aware of the importance of education in their lives because they have realized it that education can enable any country to flourish and to be empowered. Empowerment comes with right realization of one’s capacities and potential and education does this task at best. It makes the person realize about his/her potential and hidden qualities and once the person is aware of his specialities, strength and capabilities he becomes an enlightened citizen who has a strong and determined mind and would be become a benefactor in the process of empowering the country.

    Do you think we Indian possess empowered minds and can help the country to empower itself?

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