Efficacy of Expansion in the Employment Opportunities and Reservation for SCs & STs

Discussion in 'Education' started by Campus, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    In order to enhance the economic position of the SCs and Sts the Constitution has provided for the reservation in services. Reservation of jobs operates in the All-India Services, Central Government, State Government, ans Government owned and managed public sector units and institutions. Reservation exists in all these for the SCs and STs to the tune of 15% and 7.5% respectively. Several State Governments have introduced reservation for OBCs (Other Backward Classes also).

    In government services, special quotas are also allotted to them. The reservation is also extended to promotions to a higher position to facilitate their adequate representation. Concessions such as relaxation of age limit, relaxation in the standards of suitability, relaxation of the qualification and experience, have also been provided to them. But it is also essential to measure the efficacy of all the above measures contributed to the upliftment of the backward castes and classes. What we have observed so far that even despite of such measures run by the government still there are many of the illiterate and ignorant people belonging to the backward castes and thus they are unable to make use of the constitutional provisions guaranteed to them.

    There has been a quality of ritualistic formalism about many this welfare and development scheme formulated for the benefits of these people. Lack of enthusiasm and sincerity on the part of the government officials and agencies have also been the cause of failures in the implementation. Where on the other hand, many of the SCs are using the reservation quota on an unfair basis. More than 30 percent SCs live below the poverty line and their occupational mobility does not lead them to social mobility; educationally, they are very backward; politically they are not organized and remain weak in the local power structure for asserting their rights. Their extended weak educational and social status makes them vulnerable in grabbing the employment opportunities at the higher ranks. They sometimes become the center of criticism of acquiring the jobs on the basis of reservation and not on the basis of hard work. This makes them agitated and not able to utilize their rights in a well manner.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014

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