Education and the Rural Women

Discussion in 'Women' started by Campus, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    Education is a biggest weapon for the women through which they can aspire to achieve success and growth in their lives. Even though education is and should be for all but in spite of the fact there is the biggest section of rural women who is still untouched with the grace and power of education. In the rural areas the status of education is not so welcoming, people rarely take education to be essential for young girls and women. Because the rural mentality does not support and understand the relevance of education for women. Young girls are hardly sent to the schools and rather much motivated to learn home chores. In fact the teachers that are appointed in the villages are also not enthusiastic. There is much of unawareness among the rural women with regard of education. The best thing that the education can bring to the rural women is the self-confidence, economic security, and self-reliance. Government and the NGOS should take the education of rural women on a serious note. rural women also comprise a major part of the women population of India.

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