Economy of Pakistan

Discussion in 'Economy & Infrastructure' started by Divyasharma, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. Divyasharma

    Divyasharma New Member

    Economy Shattered in Pakistan.Pakistan is a country situated in the Indian sub continent and our neighbor. The country is an Islamic state and has always been hit by economic crisis. The country has been hit by terrorism, both from interior and exterior sources. There had been a very thick layer of poverty which has always been attached with the country. The country still has a huge amount of loan outstanding from several countries and the World Bank. Overall, the economic situation of the country is very much in distress. The country has a limited source of income, but it always has been spending a huge percentage of the annual revenue on weaponry.

    This aspect has further worsened the economic situation of the country. Currently, the situation is so very bad, that there are people dying out of hunger in the concerned country. The food prices have gone up immensely. To add to the problem the lack of proper occupation has kept on increasing consistently. The country has no other option but to continue investing to stop internal terrorism which has been one of the most dangerous issues, the country had been fighting with. The country had been a prime target of the Taliban organization and there are still acts of terrorism in the country every single day. The education system needs to be revived to solve the long term problems, but the short term problems are so huge that it is being extremely tough for the country to find a solution.

    The country of Pakistan had been a good tourist attraction some years ago. It was a good way to earn some foreign revenue. However with the recent events of terrorism, the country has been avoided by tourists and even sports persons. All these factors have combined to produce a picture which is extremely grave in the context of economic situation of Pakistan.

    Now the question is How does situation of Pakistan economy effect Indian economy ?

    Let's discuss Pakistan economy here in this forum.

  2. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    pakistan is nation always surrounded by the atrocities by the radicals and also by controversies. the economy does not seem to be stable anyways. the major reason behind this is the government and pakistani people do not go hand in hand with each other and so there is no proper planning for better growth of the nation. however growth is seen in its military power.
  3. R2India

    R2India New Member

    pakistani economy is not much great.. the people of pakistan eke out doing small jobs. since the population of the country is small the domestic production satisfies the needs and so they have surplus to export and this becomes the means to earn extra income and boost the economy.

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